
A local WordPress Docker development environment

WordPress Development Docker Environment

This project serves as a simple local WordPress development environment. It depends on Docker and Docker Compose


  1. git clone git@github.com:jasonyost/wordpress-dev-docker.git [project-name]
  2. cd [project-name]


The development environment can be started with the command:

docker-compose up -d

Which will start the development environment in the background. The first time the environment starts, it will download all necessary images and files, which may take a few minutes to complete. Subsequent starts will be faster.

Once the environment is running, the WordPress instance can be accessed via browser at http://localhost:8282/.

The first time you access the development URL you will be presented with the WordPress installation screen, which should be filled out as any other standard WordPress installation.

Data is persisted between restarts of the environment.

The environment also includes the latest phpMyAdmin which can be accessed at http://localhost:8383/, with both the username and password of wordpress

The environment can be stopped using the following command:

docker-compose down

Committing your work

The wordpress directory will contain all of the files for the full WordPress installation and by default is ignored via the .gitignore file.

You will need to edit the last few lines of the file to ensure that your theme and/or plugin is committed to your git repository.



Be sure to remove the WordPress Development Docker Environment remote with:

git remote rm origin

and add your own.