MQTT Message Dissemination

This file currently contains only instructions to :

  • setup the brokers and run all the configured tests.

Future updates would add more information about:

  • detailed configurable aspects of the scripts
  • descriptions of how to use the data analysis script

Project Structure

  • broker/ is the submodule for Mosquitto repository that I forked. That repo contains the source code I have modified for implementing subscription flooding algorithm.

    • note that the SF related code is in the subscription_flooding branch
  • experiment/ contains all experiments and scripts related to this project

    • analysis_scripts/ contains python files related to analyzing data
    • broker_container/ contains docker container configuration, related programs, and experimental data collected for brokers
    • client_container/ contains docker container configuration and related programs for clients
    • mosquitto_container/ contains docker container configuration for the official Mosquitto programs
    • scripts/ contains scripts used for automating experiments and data collection process
  • programs/ contains the source code for programs used in the experiment. This mainly contains programs for clients, since the broker program is stored under broker/

    • pulisher.c and subscriber.c are the interactive programs used for demonstration
    • publisher_args.c and subscriber_args.c are the programs that has highly customable aspects. This includes the ability to generate distinct (up to 260) topics based on inputs, adjust publication rates, and etc.
    • publisher_args_dup.c is similar to publisher_args, but all forked publishers will publish under the same topic


This discusses on the high level of:

  1. setup the brokers
  2. configure the brokers
  3. setup the clients
  4. run automation scripts for experiments
  5. analyze data

More details will be updated upon requests.

Broker Setup

  1. To set up the brokers, use the Dockerfile under experiment/broker_container directory to create an image. In this case, I named the image my-mosq.

  2. create a custom bridge network, which will be used by the brokers and clients. I called it my-net.

  3. Use the docker-compose.yml with docker-compose up and the --scale option to create multiple broker instances

    • note that this will need the image my-mosq and the network my-net. If you changed the name, you need to change this file as well.

    • this will also create volume mounts of:

            - ./broker_data:/broker/data
            - ./broker_log:/broker/log

Broker Configuration

This setup is crucial to make the SF and PF work.

  1. Inside each broker, you need to configure a .conf file that will be used by Mosquitto broker to know the IP of other brokers and connect to them. Some examples have been provided under experiment/broker_container/sample_config.


  • for subscription flooding, the setup is subtle (will be improved and simplified in the future) such that, for a connection between two brokers b1 and b2, you will have:


    listener 8088
    allow_anonymous true
    connection b1->b2
    topic exmp1/temp in 2 "" ""


    listener 8088
    allow_anonymous true
    connection b2->b1
    topic exmp1/temp in 2 "" ""


    • connection b1->b2 and connection b2->b1 is currently used for loop detection in subscription flooding algorithm. You can name the connection anyway you want, but you must need the structure <broker_1_name>-><broker_2_name> for one and the opposite for the other
    • the topic exmp1/temp configured is a dummy topic. This is just used for creating bridges.

Client Setup

In short, this is the same as Broker Setup, but that another image is created since I need to copy different programs to them.

  1. To set up the clients, use the Dockerfile under experiment/client_container directory to create an image. In this case, I named the image my-mosq-client.
  2. this will also need the bridge network created before in Broker Setup
  3. Use the docker-compose.yml with docker-compose up and the --scale option to create multiple client instances if needed
    • note that this will need the image my-mosq-client and the network my-net. If you changed the name, you need to change this file as well.

Experiment Automation

This section is irrelevant if you do not want to measure the Total Network Traffic or Broker End-to-end Delay. Shell scripts in this repo are mainly to measure those.

However, since some scripts are pretty general, such as, you might find those useful.

In general, the scripts under experiment/scripts are for two usages:

  • exp_*.sh is related to experiments mentioned above
  • is used to transform the collected .pcap data to .csv used for analysis

To measure total network traffic

  1. The general one liner would be:

    ./ <broker_data_path> <exp_timeout> <sub_broker_ip> <pub_broker_ip> <client_executale_path> <broker_program> <broker_config_file>
    • broker data are written to <broker_data_path>/b{1..7}, assuming you have 7 brokers established.
      • note that this directory is relative to the broker, i.e. valid path inside the broker
      • those directories needs to be created before using this script
    • broker TCPDUMP and TOP has timeout of <exp_timeout>
    • subscriber subscribes to address <sub_broker_ip>.
      • note that this is the IP internal to the containers.
    • publisher publishes to address <pub_broker_ip>
    • subscriber and publisher executable located at <client_executale_path>
    • broker program to run is <broker_program>
      • this assumes that the program is contained in the directory /broker in the container
    • broker config file to use is <broker_config_file>
      • this assumes that the program is contained in the directory /broker in the container

    for example:

    ./ /mosquitto/data/heat_map/THR_3-7/OI_3-7/linear_sf 125 /client pub_flood_broker pub_flood_config.conf
  2. Then, convert the collected data files .pcap into .csv using This will parse all the .pcap into .csv using tshark, create a folder csv/ under the <path_to_b1-b7>, and put all the parsed csv there.

    ./ <path_to_b1-b7>


    • <path_to_b1-b7> would be the directory that contains the subdirectory b1/, b2/, ..., b7, assuming you have 7 brokers. Those directories would contain the .pcap file data is setup correctly
      • note that this directory is relative to the host computer, not containers

    for example:

    ./ broker_container/data1/delay_graph/tc-20/linear_sf

    assuming you have directories such as:

    • broker_container/data1/delay_graph/tc-20/linear_sf/b1
    • broker_container/data1/delay_graph/tc-20/linear_sf/b2
    • etc.

To measure end-to-end delay:

  1. modify the package loss rate and other relevant network setting for broker containers

    for example:

    pumba netem --duration 10m loss --percent 50 "re2:^su"

    which adds 50% package loss rate to all brokers with name starting with su

  2. Use the same as above

Analyze Data

The most visual way is to use the Jupyter Notebook under analysis_scripts/analysis_py.ipynb.

To manually produce rate plot and cumulative rate plots, one can use the, which will output two images, cumu_plot.png and rate_plot.png, each of which contains:

  • byte sent per broker for all 7 brokers
  • cumulative bytes sent per broker for all 7 brokers


py .\ <csv_dir> <output_dir> <plot_title_prefix>


  • the program is with \ because I am on Windows System using Powershell
  • <csv_dir> represents the folder containing all the csv data
  • <output_dir> represents the output folder for plots
  • <plot_title_prefix> represents the plot title prefix

for example:

py .\ "../broker_container/data1/grand_heat_map/SPR_4-6/OI_1-7/linear_sf/csv/" ./ "7/7THR with 1/7 OI"