Taxonomic API

The Taxonomic API provides an interface for the Taxonomic application. There 4 modules in the API:


This module is accessible via a global Taxonomic variable and provides access to submodules and highlevel methods for manipulating the currently active user. It has 5 methods and 3 submodules.



This method will return a user if one is currently logged in or it will return null, user objects are described below in the Taxonomic.User module.

There are a limited set of hardcoded users which are available via the Taxonomic.User submodule.


This method takes a user object and if it is valid makes it the currentUser. If it is not it returns undefined.


This method will simply set the currentUser to null.


This method takes an item object and checks to see if any of the item's tags are owned by the current user. If they are then it returns true elseit returns false.


This method takes a tag object and checks to see if the tag is owned by the currentUser. If it is it returns true else it returns false.


The submodules provide methods to manipulate and query the three types of object in the system: user, item and tag. Each type of object has it's respective module each of which are described below.

Using the submodules is easier if you set them to local variables in your scripts, you then don't need to type out the Taxonomic namespace everytime you wish to use them!

var Users = Taxonomic.Users;
var Items = Taxonomic.Items;
var Tags = Taxonomic.Tags;


The Taxonomic.Users module provide methods for manipulating and accessing users within the system. It mostly passes around user objects to do this which are just plain old javascript objects (POJOs).

Heres an example:

// A user object
    id: 0,
    name: 'Finn'

There are 5 hardcoded users and you can only log into the system with one of these 5 users.

There are 8 methods for the Taxonomic.Users module:


findAll takes a POJO of filters which it will attempt to match exactly from the set of users available e.g.

Users.findAll({ name: 'Finn' });

Will return an array with the single user object:

    id: 0,
    name: 'Finn'

Filters will not partially match values so:

Users.findAll({ name: 'Fin' });

Will return an empty array [].


find takes an id number and will return the user with the matching id or undefined.


findByName takes a name string and will return the user with the matching name or undefined.


forTags takes a list of tag objects and will return the set of user objects that make up the owners of the tags.


forItem takes a single item object and will return the set of user objects that make up the owners of the tags attached to the item.

Users.owns(user, tags)

owns takes a user object and a list of tag objects. It will return all of the tag objects that the user owns.

Users.becomeTagOwner(user, tag)

becomeTagOwner takes a user and a tag object and will create an ownership relationship in the system between the user and the tag. It will then return true if building the relationship was successful and false if not.

Users.disownTag(user, tag)

disownTag takes a user and a tag object and attempts to remove the ownship relationship between the user and the tag. It will then return true if removing the relationship was successful and false if not.


Taxonomic.Tags provides methods for manipulating and querying the system of tag objects. tag objects are similar to user objects as they are also POJOs but there are some other attributes.

// tag object
    name: '...',
    description: '...',
    creator: user,
    createdAt: '2018-02-24 09...'
    open: true

There are 15 methods for the Taxonomic.Tags module:


create takes a POJO and attempts to create a tag from it. This means giving it a valid id, setting createdAt to the current date and ensuring the name attribute is unique. It will return the created tag object if successful and false if not.


findAll works the same as Taxonomic.Users.findAll but finds and returns tag objects.


find works the same as Taxonomic.Users.find but finds returns a tag object with the matching id.


forItem works the same as Taxonomic.Users.forItem but returns the set of tag objects attached to the item.

search takes a string value and looks for partial matches in the name and description attributes e.g.'The');

Might return:

    key: 'name',
    element: {
        name: 'The Enchiridion',
}, {
    key: 'description',
    element: {
        name: 'Mount Cragor',
        description: 'The last known...'
}, ...]

It will return any tag objects with attributes that contain the text in the search term.


update takes a tag object and updates it's state in the system (so it can be retrieved again later). id, createdAt, creator and open cannot be updated with this method. It will return a copy of the updated tag object.

Tags.attached(tag, item)

attached takes a tag and item object and checks to see if the tag is attached to the item. If it is it returns true else it returns false. If either the tag or the item do not exist it will return undefined and will register an error in the developer tools command line.

Tags.attach(tag, items)

attach takes a tag and item or list of item objects and attempts to attach the tag to the items. If it is successful the tag object is returned else false is returned. If an error occurred then undefined will be returned and an error will be registered in the developer tools command line. If multiple items are passed then an array of [tag, false, undefined ...] is returned and errors are reported to the cli.

Tags.detach(tag, item)

detach takes a tag and item or list of item objects and attempts to detach the tag from the items. If it is successful it will return the tag else it will return false. If an error occurred then undefined will be returned and an error will be registered in the developer tools command line. If multiple items are passed then an array of [tag, false, undefined ...] will be retruned and any errors will be registered on the cli.


close takes a tag and attempts to set the open attribute to false (it is true by default). It will return a copy of the updated tag if it is successful else an error will have occured and it will return undefined and register the error on the developer tools command line.


reopen takes a tag object and attempts to set the open attribute to true. If will return a copy of the updated tag if succsessful and if not then an error will have occured and it will return undefined and register an error on the developer tools command line., to)

map takes a tag or set of tag objects as the first argument from and a tag as the second argument to. It will find or create to and will detach all of the from tags from the items they are currently attached to. It will then attach the to tag to those items.


history takes a tag object and returns a list of event objects for the tag. event objects look like:

    subjectId: 0,
    payload: 'Updated tag',
    createdAt: '2018-02-24 09...',
    creator: user

This can be used to see all of the actions that have been taken relating to a tag.

Tags.setOwnersByNames(tag, ownerNames)

setOwnersByNames takes a tag object and a list of user names. It will call becomeTagOwner for each user that isn't already an owner and will call disownTag for each user that is an owner but who's name isn't in the ownerNames list.


cotags takes a tag object and;

  • finds all of the items it is attached to
  • finds all of the tags attached to those items
  • counts the number of times each tag is attached to one of those items
  • returns a POJO like so:
    'The Enchiridion': {
        tag: tag, // the tag object
        count: 10
    'Mount Cragor': {
        tag: tag,
        count 2


flag takes a tag object and creates an event indicating that the tag has been flagged. This event will appear in the history but the tag object will not contain any attributes that will indicate that it is flagged in anyway.


isFlagged takes a tag object and checks to see if tag is flagged based on it's history of flagging of unflagging events. If the last event was a flag event then it will return true, if the last event was an unflag event then it will return false.


unflag takes a tag object and, if it has already been flagged, it creates an event indicating that the tag has been unflagged. This event will appear in the history bu the tag object will not contain any attributes that will indicate that is unflagged in anyway.

You can use it to discover cotags to a particular tag and rank them by how often they appear together.


Taxonomic.Items provides methods for manipulating and querying item objects. Again, item objects are just POJOs and they look like:

    id: 0,
    name: "Finn's Sword",
    content: 'Magic Sword Data...',
    description: 'A knarly sword with weird Finn horcrux stuck inside.'

You cannot create or delete item's via the API. The only way to alter the set of Items available is to add or remove JSON objects from the items.json file. This is loaded when ever the page is refreshed:

  • new items are added.
  • names in the tags attribute are used to find (or create) tags which are then attached to the item.
  • tags are created by the currently logged in user.

There are 7 methods for the Taxonomic.Items module:


findAll works the same as Taxonomic.Users.findAll and Taxonomic.Tags.findAll but finds and returns item objects.


find works the same as Taxonomic.Users.find and Taxonomic.Tags.find but finds and returns an item object.


forTags works the same as Taxonomic.Users.forTags but returns item objects.


searchByTag first searches for all of the tags that match the search term (string) and then returns all of the items attached to those tags. It returns results in the same format as but the key attribute of the result is always 'tag'.

search works the same as but finds and returns matching item objects.


update works the similarly as Taxonomic.Tags.update execpt it prevents you editing the id, name, content and description attributes and returns a copy of the updated item object.

Items.setTagsByNames(items, tagNames)

setTagsByNames works similarly to Taxonomic.Tags.setOwnersByNames except it calls Tags.attach or new tags and Tags.detach for old tags not included in the new set of tags.