
Authenticate your mosquitto mqtt users with firebase!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mosquitto Firebase Auth

This is an auth plugin for Mosquitto which uses mosquito_pyauth to load a python module which uses the firebase_admin library to authenticate users submitting messages to mosquitto instance via Google Firebase.

Getting started.

  1. Pull this repository.

  2. Build the mosquitto_pyauth image.

  3. Build the mosquitto-firebase-auth image.

docker build . --tag mosquitto-firebase-auth
  1. Generate and download a new firebase service account private key by following the "Inistialize the SDK" step here You'll likely want to save it into the mosquitto directory as .firebase-service-account.json.

  2. Run the docker container!

docker run -v ${PWD}/mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto -e PYTHONPATH=/etc/mosquitto -p 1883:1883 -p 1884:1884 mosquitto-firebase-auth
  1. Run it with docker compose!
# docker-compose.yml
version: "3.9"
    image: mosquitto-pyauth
      - PYTHONPATH=/etc/mosquitto/
      - ./mosquitto:/etc/mosquitto
      - "1883:1883"
      - "1884:1884"
docker-compose up

Authenticating with mosquitto-firebase-auth

You will need to pass the JWT provided by the firebase authentication api into the password of a mqtt connection. You can put what ever information you like into the username field, it is unused though it seems handy to identify your users when connecting with it!


  1. We're not handling Access Controll Lists (ACL's) at all in this plugin yet. You'll want to make some changes to the mosquitto/mosquitto_firebase_auth.py file if you need them.
  2. I have no idea what def psk_key_get(identity, hint) does so it currently does nothing.