
A command line app for sending emails

Primary LanguageRuby


Install with

gem install trikle-mail

Example usage:

  1. Create a .csv file of your recipients.
name, email, score
jordan, jordan@example.com, 60
  1. Write a template to email to your recipients.

Templates are secretly just ruby strings which use ruby string formating under the hood. All of the columns from your csv are available for use within the template. For example, below we're using the name and score columns from the csv in our template.

Hey %{name},

You scored %{score} out of 100. Well done.

The People Who Do Scores.
  1. Run the command!
trikle-mail smtp --host smtp.live.com --port 587 --username <username> --password <password> --subject "Hello" --from "Your Name <email>" --template template.txt email.csv

FYI, trikle-mail will look for parameters not specified on the command line in the csv. That means you can have a column for any (or all) of the parameters host, port, username, password, subject, from, template and unique values for each recipient. trikle-mail will use each recipeints unique values when sending mail!