A problem I've encountered is that when it comes to anything to do with software, learning is doing. But there isn't really much play data easily available. Some tutorials go to the trouble of providing files for download, and I'm sure anyone reading this already has a favorite API or JSON repo where they go to get stuff. But the situation is not ideal, and I've never encountered a body of data in any learning materials I've encountered that compelled me to come back to it time and again. So I made it
These .csv files have proven useful to me as sample datasets to use while learning the Unix filters grep
, sed
, and awk
. I hope whoever finds them finds them just as valuable.
Very small dataset featuring all your favorite Ancients:
Name | City | Date of birth |
Socrates | Athens | 470 BC |
Plato | Athens | 428 BC |
Aristotle | Stagira | 384 BC |
Euclid | Alexandria | 325 BC |
Pythagoras | Samos | 570 BC |
A somewhat larger, more complicated dataset featuring some of history's battliest battleships:
Name | Country | Displacement | Length | Beam | Commissioned date |
Yamato | Japan | 65027 | 256 | 38.9 | 16 December 1941 |
USS Enterprise | United States of America | 19800 | 251.4 | 33.4 | 12 May 1938 |
Bismarck | Germany | 41700 | 251 | 36 | 24 August 1940 |
HMS Dreadnought | United Kingdom | 18120 | 160.6 | 25 | 2 December 1906 |
USS Iowa | United States of America | 46000 | 270.43 | 32.97 | 22 February 1943 |
HMS Vanguard | United Kingdom | 45200 | 248.2 | 32.9 | 12 May 1946 |
Ships famous, to varying degrees, for plying the inky black. If these interest you, check out my Starships repo too.
Name | Class | Registry | Crew |
USS Enterprise | Constitution | NCC-1701 | 203 |
USS Constitution | Constitution | NCC-1700 | 204 |
USS Defiant | Defiant | NX-74205 | 50 |
USS Voyager | Intrepid | NCC-74656 | 141 |
USS Enterprise | Galaxy | NCC-1701-D | 6000 |
USS Reliant | Miranda | NCC-1864 | 35 |
An expanded assortment of smartypants from a different era. The third and largest dataset, with two date fields and one full of semicolon-delimited subfields ripe for parsing:
Name | Surname | Date of birth | Date of death | Concepts |
Carl | Gauss | 30 April 1777 | 23 February 1855 | Gaussian elimination; GaussâJordan elimination; GaussâSeidel method; Gauss's cyclotomic formula; Gauss's lemma; Gaussian binomial coefficient; Gauss transformation; GaussâBodenmiller theorem; GaussâBolyaiâLobachevsky space; GaussâBonnet theorem; Generalized GaussâBonnet theorem; Braid theory; GaussâCodazzi equations; GaussâManin connection; Newton line; Gauss's area formula; Gauss's lemma; Gauss map; Gaussian curvature; Gauss circle problem; GaussâKuzminâWirsing constant; Gauss's constant; Gauss's digamma theorem; Gauss's generalization of Wilson's theorem; Gauss's lemma; Gauss map; Gaussian moat; Gauss class number problem; Gauss's multiplication formula |
George | Berkeley | 12 March 1685 | 14 January 1753 | |
Gottfried | Leibniz | 1 July 1646 | 14 November 1716 | Calculus; Monads; Best of all possible worlds; Pre-established harmony; Identity of indiscernibles; Matrix (mathematics); Leibniz integral rule; Principle of sufficient reason; Notation for differentiation; Product rule; Vis viva; Boolean algebra; Salva veritate; Stepped reckoner; Symbolic logic; Semiotics; Analysis situs; Law of Continuity; Transcendental law of homogeneity; Ars combinatoria; Calculus ratiocinator; Leibniz's notation; Characteristica universalis; Problem of why there is anything at all; Pluralistic idealism; Metaphysical dynamism; Relationism; Apperception; A priori/a posteriori distinction |
Immanuel | Kant | 22 April 1724 | 12 February 1804 | Kantianism; Kantian ethics; Neo-Kantianism |
Isaac | Newton | 25 December 1642 | 20 March 1726 | "GaussâNewton algorithm; NewtonâCotes formulas; NewtonâOkounkov body; NewtonâPepys problem; Newton fractal; Newton's identities; Newton's inequalities; Newton's method; Newton's method in optimization; Newton's notation; Newton polygon; Newton polynomial; Newton series; Newton's theorem about ovals; Truncated Newton method; bucket argument; Newton's cannonball; Universal gravitational constant; Newton's cradle; Newton disc; NewtonâCartan theory; NewtonâEuler equations; Newton's law of cooling; Newton's laws of motion; Newton's law of universal gravitation; Newton's metal; Newton's reflector; Newton's rings; Rotating spheres; Newton scale; Newton's sphere theorem |
John | Locke | 29 August 1632 | 28 October 1704 | Labor theory of property; Social contract; State of nature |
Joseph | Fourier | 21 March 1768 | 16 May 1830 | Fourier series; Fourier transform; Fourier's law of conduction; Fourier-Motzkin elimination |
Joseph-Louis | Lagrange | 25 January 1736 | 10 April 1813 | Lagrangian analysis; Lagrangian coordinates; Lagrangian derivative; Lagrangian drifter; Lagrangian foliation; Lagrangian Grassmannian; Lagrangian intersection Floer homology; Lagrangian mechanics; Lagrangian (field theory); Lagrangian system; Lagrangian mixing; Lagrangian point; Lagrangian relaxation; Lagrangian submanifold; Lagrangian subspace; Nonlocal Lagrangian; Proca lagrangian; Special Lagrangian submanifold; EulerâLagrange equation; GreenâLagrange strain; Lagrange bracket; Lagrangeâd'Alembert principle; Lagrange error bound; Lagrange form; Lagrange interpolation; Lagrange invariant; Lagrange inversion theorem; Lagrange multiplier; Lagrange number; Lagrange point colonization; Lagrange polynomial; Lagrange property; Lagrange reversion theorem; Lagrange resolvent; Lagrange spectrum; Lagrange stream function; Lagrange's approximation theorem; Lagrange's formula (disambiguation); Lagrange's identity (disambiguation); Lagrange's theorem (group theory); Lagrange's theorem (number theory); Lagrange's four-square theorem; Lagrange's trigonometric identities |
Pierre-Simon | Laplace | 23 March 1749 | 5 March 1827 | Bayesian inference; Bayesian probability; Laplace's equation; Laplacian; Laplace transform; Inverse Laplace transform; Laplace distribution; Laplace's demon; Laplace expansion; YoungâLaplace equation; Laplace number; Laplace limit; Laplace invariant; Laplace principle; Laplace's principle of insufficient reason; Laplace's method; Laplace expansion; Laplace force; Laplace filter; Laplace functional; Laplacian matrix; Laplace motion; Laplace plane; Laplace pressure; Laplace resonance; Laplace's spherical harmonics; Laplace smoothing; Laplace expansion; Laplace expansion; Laplace-Bayes estimator; LaplaceâStieltjes transform; LaplaceâRungeâLenz vector; Nebular hypothesis |
René | Descartes | 31 March 1596 | 11 February 1650 | Cartesian circle; Cartesian coordinate system; Cartesian diagram; Cartesian diver; Cartesian morphism; Cartesian plane; Cartesian product; Cartesian product of graphs; Cartesian theater; Cartesian tree; Descartes' rule of signs; Descartes' theorem (4 tangent circles); Descartes' theorem (on total angular defect); Folium of Descartes |