Template API

Rest API server for template.

Running the App

  docker-compose up


Open the API documentation on this route /api-docs.


All routes are protected by Basic Authentication. Routes that need current user session are protected by JWT Authentication (cookie-based with key access_token). Authorize your requests with JWT by logging in using this route /auth/login. CSRF Token is also implemented because this API uses Cookie-based (http only) JWT.

Sample Credentials

email: bernalesjasper@gmail.com
password: test

CRUD Tasks

Please Use the swagger API Docs for ease of testing

Get List - GET /base/${node}


  GET http://localhost:5000/v1/base/country?size=10&page=0&sort=population.desc,created_date.asc

Update By Id - PUT /base/${node}/${id}


  PUT http://localhost:5000/v1/base/country/6b6f70ef-914e-4152-bbc1-d79845606b5d

Request Body

    "country": "World",
    "population": 7592886791

Delete By Id - DEL /base/${node}/${id}


  DEL http://localhost:5000/v1/base/country/6b6f70ef-914e-4152-bbc1-d79845606b5d