A Powerline segment for showing the status of a Git working copy
- 1
- 10
How to Setup Terminal
#5 opened by TimeTravelersHackedMe - 4
- 14
IndexError: pop from empty list error
#7 opened by gepinita - 2
Modified File Count is Cut Off
#41 opened by Xliff - 4
gitstatus not showing in mac
#32 opened by janusadmissions - 2
Unable to customize colors
#43 opened by springcomp - 0
Solarized Dark theme suggestion
#44 opened by tomaz-suller - 1
- 4
Not available on Ubuntu 18.04
#29 opened by beruic - 0
Git tag abbrev option
#33 opened by kmoschcau - 0
Automatic "git fetch" every few minutes
#30 opened - 14
Consider providing a gittag segment
#6 opened by CaptainQuirk - 7
Pass the torch
#24 opened by jcharaoui - 3
Release 1.3.0
#28 opened by jcharaoui - 1
Which folder for gitstatus
#22 opened by gbomacfly - 0
Add installation method: Debian package
#25 opened by jcharaoui - 1
Make symbols configurable
#26 opened by varac - 0
branch and symbols are not shown
#27 opened by DineshReddyK - 8
Only branch name is shown, but nothing else
#19 opened by Venemo - 8
Powerline won't load
#13 opened by askmrsinh - 3
Unable to get gitstatus on macOS Sierra
#14 opened by adun - 1
Look into using watchers
#2 opened by jaspernbrouwer - 2
When adding powerline_gitstatus.gitstatus to the theme, the right segment is not shown anymore
#11 opened by florisvanwoudenberg - 2
Sample configuration
#8 opened by mariuszs - 5
Also show in subdir of working dir
#4 opened by lastorset - 14
Segment not showing up with powerline-daemon
#1 opened by Bensge - 0
Add logging
#3 opened by jaspernbrouwer