
A cross-platform C# library for native desktop "toast" notifications.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A cross-platform C# library for native desktop "toast" notifications.

Build Nuget Nuget

Screenshot (Linux)

Screenshot (Windows)


Windows Linux (FreeDesktop.DBus) OSX
Show notifications
Schedule notifications ✓*
Launch actions**
Replacing notifications
Advanced content (Audio, Images, etc)

* Scheduled notifications will only be delivered while the application is running.
** Some platforms support launching your application when the user clicked a notification. The associated action identifier is passed as a command-line argument.

Application Context

Most operating systems require you to register the application in some form before you can actually send notifications. This registration process is handled by the ApplicationContext. On Windows (see WindowsApplicationContext) it will create and assign a Application User Model Id to the current process and associate a shell link in the start menu with it. This will cause your application to appear in the Windows Start Menu. On Linux/FreeDesktop.DBUS, the application context is just holding the name and optional icon of your application.


The DesktopNotifications.Avalonia package offers support for the Avalonia project. It doesn't do much on its own, it just provides helpers to register the INotificationManager with the application builder. You can see an example of it in the Example.Avalonia project.

Help wanted

My MacBook Pro is 11 years old now and it does not run OSX Mojave or higher. Unfortunately, Apple deprecated NSUserNotificationCenter with OSX 10.14 and I suppose they want us to use the newer UNUserNotificationCenter API instead. I would kindly appreciate any contributions from folks that own a more modern Mac and are interested in implementing the OSX backend using the new API.


See License