
This is a read-only mirror of the Bioconductor SVN repository. Package Homepage: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/statTarget.html Contributions: https://github.com/13479776/statTarget. Bug Reports: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/new/post/?tag_val=statTarget.

Primary LanguageR


============== Description

An easy to use tool provides graphical user interface for quality control based shift signal correction, integration of metabolomic data from multi-batch experiments, and the comprehensive statistic analysis in non-targeted or targeted metabolomics.

Link to CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/statTarget/

The main GUI of statTarget has two basic components. The first is shift correction. It includes quality control-based robust LOESS signal correction (QC-RLSC) that is a widely accepted method for quality con trol based signal correction and integration of metabolomic data from multiple analytical batches (Dunn WB., et al. 2011; Luan H., et al. 2015).

statTarget - Shift Correction provide QC-RLSC algorithm that fit the QC data, and each metabolites in the true sample will be normalized to the QC sample. Additionally, LOESS based generalised cross-validation (GCV) would be automatically applied to avoid overfitting of the observed data, when the QCspan was set at 0 (Default value).

statTarget - Statistical Analysis provide features including Data preprocessing, Data descriptions, Multivariate statistics analysis and Univariate analysis.

Data preprocessing : 80-precent rule, glog transformation, KNN imputation, Median imputation and Minimum values imputation.

Data descriptions : Mean value, Median value, Sum, Quartile, Standard derivatives, etc.

Multivariate statistics analysis : PCA, PLSDA, VIP, Random forest.

Univariate analysis : Student T-test, Shapiro-Wilk normality test and Mann-Whitney tests.

Biomarkers analysis : ROC, Odd ratio, P-value, and Volcano plot.

Download the [statTarget tutorial](https://github.com/13479776/Picture/blob/master/work flow.pptx "statTarget tutorial .pptx") and example data .


Dependent on R (>= 3.3.0)

Packages should be installed:


Steps and Data Frame



1 If you did not install the R software yet,you can download R >= 3.3.0 from https://www.r-project.org

2 Install the package "statTarget" at the CRAN

For Windows PC, copy this code into R




library(statTarget) ## Execute statTarget

For mac PC, the package "statTarget" requires X11 support being installed. XQuartz could be installed. Download it from https://www.xquartz.org

Copy this code into R




library(statTarget) ## Execute statTarget

4 Input data and run (See the example data)


Hemi Luan, hemi.luan@gmail.com


Hemi Luan (2016). statTarget: Statistical Analysis of Metabolite Profile. R package version 1.2.2.


Dunn, W.B., et al.,Procedures for large-scale metabolic profiling of serum and plasma using gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Nature Protocols 2011, 6, 1060-83.

Luan H., LC–MS-Based Urinary Metabolite Signatures in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease. J Proteome Res., 2015, 14 (1),467–478.

Luan H., Non-targeted metabolomics and lipidomics LC–MS data from maternal plasma of 180 healthy pregnant women. GigaScience 2015 4:16