KX134-1211 Driver


This is a C++ driver for the KX134-1211 tri-axis accelerometer. It was developed on a NUCLEO-H743ZI2 development board with Mbed OS 6


  1. Specify correct pins and serial protocol. The pins are defined in KX134TestSuite.h, and by default SPI mode is used. To use I2C, #define USING_I2C.
  2. Configure mbed-cmake for your board. If you are using the NUCLEO-H743ZI2 dev board, this can be done automatically by running python3 configure_mbed_cmake.py. Otherwise, manually configure mbed-cmake for your board with the configure_for_target.py script. This would look like python3 mbed-cmake/configure_for_target.py -a mbed_app.json -x . -i .mbedignore <target name>
  3. Create a build directory and configure CMake. For non-Windows platforms, this can typically be done with cmake .. -DUPLOAD_METHOD=<upload method>. For Windows, you may need to specify your build tool (cmake .. -G"MinGW Makefiles", for example).
  4. Build and flash. Run make flash-kx134_example to flash to your connected target.