
Hide page number

iliocatallo opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello there,

I was wondering if there is a way to hide the page number (maybe via a configuration). For the time being, I just removed active from the concatenation at

borders (PP.space <> PP.string author <> middleSpaces <> PP.string active <> PP.space) <>
and recompiled.

Thank you, ciao!

Hi @iliocatallo, this currently isn't possible but I'm open to adding this as a configuration setting. Is this something you would want to create a PR for? I think it should just be a matter of adding this to PresentationSettings and then removing it from the concatenation as you suggested.

Hi @jaspervdj,

Sorry for the late reply. Haskell is not my day-to-day language, but I can try to give it a look.
