
Fully reproduce the paper of StarGAN-VC. Stable training and Better audio quality .

Primary LanguagePython

This is a pytorch implementation of the paper: StarGAN-VC: Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion with star generative adversarial networks.

The converted voice examples are in samples directory

  • Python 3.6
  • pytorch 1.0
  • librosa
  • pyworld
  • tensorboardX
  • scikit-learn

Download dataset

Download the vcc 2016 dataset to the current directory

python download.py 

The downloaded zip files are extracted to ./data/vcc2016_training and ./data/evaluation_all.

  1. training set: In the paper, the author choose four speakers from ./data/vcc2016_training. So we move the corresponding folder(eg. SF1,SF2,TM1,TM2 ) to ./data/speakers.
  2. testing set In the paper, the author choose four speakers from ./data/evaluation_all. So we move the corresponding folder(eg. SF1,SF2,TM1,TM2 ) to ./data/speakers_test.

The data directory now looks like this:

├── speakers  (training set)
│   ├── SF1
│   ├── SF2
│   ├── TM1
│   └── TM2
├── speakers_test (testing set)
│   ├── SF1
│   ├── SF2
│   ├── TM1
│   └── TM2
├── vcc2016_training (vcc 2016 training set)
│   ├── ...
├── evaluation_all (vcc 2016 evaluation set, we use it as testing set)
│   ├── ...


Extract features (mcep, f0, ap) from each speech clip. The features are stored as npy files. We also calculate the statistical characteristics for each speaker.

python preprocess.py

This process may take minutes !


python main.py


python main.py --mode test --test_iters 200000 --src_speaker TM1 --trg_speaker "['TM1','SF1']"


Note: Our implementation follows the original paper’s network structure, while pytorch StarGAN-VC code use StarGAN's network.Both can generate good audio quality.

tensorflow StarGAN-VC code

StarGAN code

CycleGAN-VC code

pytorch-StarGAN-VC code

StarGAN-VC paper

StarGAN paper

CycleGAN paper

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