
CRUD generator package for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP


CRUD generator package for Laravel

Why yet another CRUD generator?

I needed a package to quickly whip up simple models, resource controllers, migrations, feature tests, factories, routes, and views quickly, and none of the other packages I found fit the way I prefer to structure my projects.


Run composer require jasrys/laravel-crud. The CrudServiceProvider will be auto-discovered if your version of Laravel supports it. Otherwise, add a reference to Jasrys\Crud\CrudServiceProvider::class in the providers array of your config/app.php file.

Creating CRUD Models

This package exposes a single command: php artisan make:crud. It accepts a single argument for the name of the model as well as a comma-separated (no space) --attributes option for the model's attributes.

For example: php artisan make:crud Post --attributes=title,body

What happens when you run make:crud command?

  • It creates the model and sets the fillable fields with the given attributes
  • It creates a model factory for the model with the given attributes. By default, the factory assigns a random $faker->word to the attribute.
  • It creates a migration for the model. By default, all attributes are assumed to be text fields and you'll need to manually edit the migration for other types. I would accept a PR to allow on-the-fly configuration of the attribute type.
  • It appends a resource route for the model to the routes/web.php file. By default, it assumes the auth middleware will be used.
  • It creates a resource controller for the model with sensible default index, create, store, edit, update, and delete methods.
  • It creates feature tests for all CRUD actions (viewing index/show/create/edit pages, storing a new model, updating an existing model, and deleting a model). It tests that only logged in users are able to perform these actions.
  • It creates views for the create, edit, index, and show pages. The create/edit pages contain labeled inputs for each attributed (again, presumed to be text fields by default). The edit form displays existing attributes.
  • It migrates the database