
  • Follow Supervisord’s installation instructions.
  • Place the laravel_queue.conf file in your /etc/supervisord.conf directory
  • Run $BINDIR/supervisord to boot up supervisord. You may need to have root privileges.
  • Run $BINDIR/supervisorctl to open the supervisord shell console. You may need to have root privileges.
  • Add the queue workers by running add queue in the supervisord shell.


  • program: The name of your program. If you modify this, you will need to run add $NEW_PROGRAM_NAMEinstead of add queue in the supervisorctl shell in the setup step.
  • command: You can use any queue options supported by Laravel here. Commone ones are tries to retry failed jobs before aborting and timeoutto allow long-running jobs to finish before timing out.
  • directory: set this to the root directory of your Laravel project
  • stdout_logfile: the path and filename where you want your log file to be stored. A reasonable place might be /$PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT/storage/logs/supervisor.log
  • redirect_stderr: a true value specifies that you want the terminal output to be logged to the log file.
  • numprocs: the number of worker instances you wish to run. The more workers, the more concurrent jobs can be handled.
  • process_name: if you set numprocs to a value greater than 1, you will need to give each worker instance a unique process name. The default %(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d value will assign unique names automatically


  • If you make modifications to a configuration file, run reread $PROGRAM_NAME in the supervisorctl shell to pull in the changes.