
Content Pack for piHole with Graylog

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Graylog3 supported

Content Pack for piHole with Graylog

Built and based off of https://jalogisch.de/2017/der-eigene-dns-resolver-zuhause/, your own dns resolver (at home) by Jan Doberstein. Includes setting GeoIP, so ensure you download the current City db from Maxmind, and install the current Threat intelligence content packs. A seperate input is established to collect only pihole syslog traffic.

Syslog requirements

syslog-ng Best option, simple and only sends pihole data

#apt install syslog-ng -y
#vi /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/10-pihole.conf
source s_pihole_log { file("/var/log/pihole.log"); };
destination d_graylog {udp("server.ip" port(1515)); };
log { source(s_pihole_log); destination(d_graylog); };

Content Pack includes:

  • GROK patterns:
    Defines all new fields to be set when matched in pipeline

    • PIHOLE
  • Input:
    Sets a seperate input for just pihole DNS Logs

    • piHole Syslog (Listen
  • Extractor:

    • application_name (Looking for pihole)

    This extractor is contingent on how you implemented your data ingestion of pihole and can be unreliable a times. Recommended correction is to delete the extractor from your input, and update the pipeline rules for dnsmasq pihole list & dnsmasq split. The when condition should be changed from has_field("application_name") to contains(to_string($message.source),"IP") where IP is the IP of your pihole server.

  • Pipeline:
    Creates Multiple fields to enable stronger queries and analytics

    • -1 Rules:
      • dnsmasq pihole list
      • dnsmasq split
    • 0 Rules:
      • PiHole GeoIP Set
    • 1 Rules:
      • threatintel (dnsmasq)
      • dnsmasq clean message
    • 2 Rules:
      • threatintel (2) inflate
  • Lookup Table\Cache:

    • geolite2-city (/etc/graylog/server/GeoLite2-City.mmdb)
  • Dashboard called DNS Intel:

    • DNS Location Requested IP (from answers)
    • DNS Activities (24h)
    • Threat Names (24h)
    • Blocked Domains (24h)
    • Blackholed Requests (24h)
    • Threat Indicated (24h)
    • DNS Clients (24h)
    • DNS Querys (24h)
    • Owning Companies (24h)