Dynamic functional connectivity during brain computer interface control

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Learning in brain-computer interface control evidenced by joint decomposition of brain and behavior

This repository contains all the code necessary to reproduce the analyses in this paper. In this paper, we explore the mesoscale organization of functional networks supporting brain computer interface learning. schematic

Required Package



Functional Connectivity and Behavior

Data is very clean, so minimal preprocessing is needed

  • Run preproc_behav.m to get summary statistics for each subjects performance and learning rate (slope)
  • Run preproc_wpli and preproc_wpli_pr.m to make FC data and phase randomized FC data.
    • This will call the function wrapper_wpli.m and wrapper_pr_wpli.m. This script will combine planar gradiometers using a helper function from fieldtrip, calculate the wPLI using custom helper function get_window_wpli.m for each trial, and save a matrix for each session. The function outputs any errors in the pipeline


  • Run format_NMF_wpli.m. This saves a single connection matrix of FC and performance for each subject/band.
  • For every subject/band combination, run NMF_pipe_wpli.py and NMF_pipe_wpli_pr.py. This was done on the cluster, where each dataset was a job. The performs the NMF decomposition, and saves the selected parameters (alpha, beta, and m), the error, as well as the loadings and temporal coefficients


Identifying outlier subgraphs

  • Run get_noise_sg.m. This will create an index of subgraph that are not regularized for empirical and UPR data. This index will be called in future scripts

Figure 2: Performance

  • Run behavior.R. This script essentially just plots data loaded from a mat file. It also does a repeated measures anova on the subjects average performance

Figure 3: Relationship between learning rate and performance loading

  • Run exp_beh_wpli.m. All this script does is reformat some of the data so that it can be analyzed in R. It combines performance data with ranked loading data
  • Run exp_beh_corr_wpli.R. This will generate figures and statistics for fig 2

Figure 4: Consensus subgraphs

  • Run consensus_subgraphs.m. This calls thresh.mat. A helper function for thresholding matrices. This will create the consensus networks, where each edge is the number of subjects that have a given edge in the X% strongest connections of their subgraph. This also makes some files for plotting. It also saves the average consistency for each graph
    • Plots are made in gephi. You will need to run make_gml.py to make files for gephi
  • Run consistent_subgraphs_pr.m. to repeat this process for null data.
  • Run compare_consensistency.m. to compare consistency between null and empirical data
  • Run consistent_edge_location.m. to get lobes of the most consistent edges
  • Run consistent_check_norm.R. to get quantile-quantile plots of consistency

Figure 5: Temporal coefficients across subgraphs

  • Run temp_exp.m. This reformats data about the energy, and peak of temporal expression across subgraphs for analysis in R
  • Run temp_exp.R. This makes the plot and statistics for figure 4.

Figure 6: Control energy predicts learning rate

  • Run get_oc_parameters.m This will find parameters that will give low error
  • Run optimal_control_MI.m This generates data for most selectivity analyses, as well as positive and negative controls
  • Run density_slope.m to get density data. This is used to see if effects are above and beyond what is expected from density
  • Run optimal_control_state_variations.m and optimal_control_magnitude.m This generates data for all the state specific controls
  • Run optimal_control_alt_params.m This generates data for different parameter sets
  • Run opt_energy.R to generate all plots and statistics in the paper

Supplemental Figures

  • NMF parameter distributions and comparisons: run NMF_parameters.ipynb
  • Comparison of the Number of Triangles:
    • Run consistency_thresh.m to explore consistency at different thresholds
  • Model Validation:
    • Run count_triangles.m
    • Run compare_triangles.R
    • Run make_states.m, which calls get_mtmfft_power.m to get states (z-scored power across channels)
    • Run model_vaidation.m
    • Run model_validation_all_sg.m
    • Run model_validation_stats.R

Assorted troubleshooting Notes

  • Singular matrix: there are a couple sources for this. (1) your original data is not full rank (2) you data is transposed, make sure what you submit is nWin x nCon, the code does not check (3) Subgraph partitioning creates rank deficient matrices, lowering the max rank will help with this

Contributors to Code

  • Jennifer Stiso