
Some init script in /etc/init.d.

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Linux Init Scripts


I am using Ubuntu on my servers and systemd has replaced upstart at Ubuntu 15.04 and later releases. So I will NOT update the script which I do not in use any more.

Some simple but useful init scripts in /etc/init.d.

You need to add them to system services using chkconfig, sysv-rc-conf, update-rc.d or insserv.

sysv-rc-conf will ignores Required-Start, Required-Stop and Should-Start, Should-Stop, and led startup sequences will be incorrect. Debian and Ubuntu users can use update-rc.d or insserv to set startup scripts. Please run [sudo] ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/insserv if can't find insserv.

Please remove /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering for closing legacy mode, startup sequences may be incorrect too, if legacy mode enabled.

Don't forget change the file permissions to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x), change the owner to root and change the group to root.

Maybe you also need to modify the program path, the configuration file path, the log file path or the pid file path.

In some Linux distributions (such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc), they use tmpfs to mount /run temporarily. You must change the directory permissions to 777 (drwxrwxrwx) at system startup, to make the program doesn't run as root, has permissions to create a pid file in /var/run.

For example, add chmod 777 /run to /etc/init/mounted-run.conf:

# mounted-run - Populate and link to /run filesystem
# Populates the /run filesystem and adds compatibility links to it

description "Populate and link to /run filesystem"

start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run TYPE=tmpfs


    chmod 777 /run

    : > "/run/utmp"
    chmod 664 "/run/utmp"
    chgrp utmp "/run/utmp"

    # compatibility; should go away soon
    [ -d /dev/.initramfs/varrun ] && cp -a /dev/.initramfs/varrun/* /run/ || true

    mkdir -p /run/sendsigs.omit.d

    # Background the initial motd seeding
    #[ -d "/etc/update-motd.d" ] && run-parts --lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /run/motd &
end script


Some init scripts may in conflict with the software own scripts. Such as rsync-server and rsync, munin-server and munin munin-node. Do NOT use them together

See also

The Guidelines for SysV-style Initscripts

Linux 启动脚本


我在我的服务器上使用 Ubuntu,而在 Ubuntu 15.04 及之后版本中,systemd 替换了 upstart,所以我不会再更新我不再使用的脚本。

一些简单但有用的启动脚本,放在 /etc/init.d 中。

你需要使用 chkconfigsysv-rc-confupdate-rc.dinsserv 添加它们到系统服务中。

sysv-rc-conf 会忽略 Required-StartRequired-StopShould-StartShould-Stop,从而导致启动顺序不正确,Debian 和 Ubuntu 用户可以使用 update-rc.dinsserv 设置启动项。如果找不到 insserv,请运行 ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/insserv

请删除 /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering 以关闭 legacy mode,启用 legacy mode 也可能导致启动顺序不正确。

不要忘了更改文件权限为 755(-rwxr-xr-x)、所有者为 root、群组为 root。

你也可能需要更改程序路径、配置文件路径、日志文件路径或 pid 文件路径。

在一些 Linux 发行版中(如 Debian、Ubuntu 和 Fedora 等)使用 tmpfs 临时挂载 /run,必须在系统启动时把该目录的权限改为 777(drwxrwxrwx),才能使不以 root 身份运行的程序有权限在 /var/run 中创建 pid 文件。

比如在 /etc/init/mounted-run.conf 中加入 chmod 777 /run

# mounted-run - Populate and link to /run filesystem
# Populates the /run filesystem and adds compatibility links to it

description "Populate and link to /run filesystem"

start on mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run TYPE=tmpfs


    chmod 777 /run

    : > "/run/utmp"
    chmod 664 "/run/utmp"
    chgrp utmp "/run/utmp"

    # compatibility; should go away soon
    [ -d /dev/.initramfs/varrun ] && cp -a /dev/.initramfs/varrun/* /run/ || true

    mkdir -p /run/sendsigs.omit.d

    # Background the initial motd seeding
    #[ -d "/etc/update-motd.d" ] && run-parts --lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /run/motd &
end script


部分启动脚本可能与软件自带脚本冲突,如 rsync-server 和 rsync,munin-server 和 munin、munin-node,请勿同时使用


制作 SysV 风格启动脚本的指南