
A command-line interface to for black box model execution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line interface library for black box domain model execution. This library enables uses to execute domain models locally.

The library has 6 key methods:

  • List the latest versions of models.
  • Print parameter metadata for a selected model.
  • Run a model via the Docker Python SDK.
  • Check model container status.
  • Get model (docker container) logs.
  • Get results path.


The CLI requires a configuration file with Docker Hub and DOJO credentials. This filename can be passed with each CLI command via the --config option, or the default file .config will be used.

See example.config for guidance:

    "DOCKERHUB_PWD": "",
    "DOJO_URL": "https://dojo-test.com",
    "DOJO_USER": "",
    "DOJO_PWD": ""

CLI help

python dojocli/cli.py --help
python dojocli/cli.py listmodels --help
python dojocli/cli.py printparams --help
python dojocli/cli.py runmodel --help

Available commands



List available models.


  • --config : name of configuation file; defaults to .config


$ python dojocli/cli.py listmodels

(2) APSIM-Cropping
(3) APSIM-Rangelands
(4) Accessibility Model
(5) AgMIP Seasonal Crop Emulator
(6) CHIRPS - Climate Hazards Center Infrared Precipitation with Stations
(8) CHIRPS-GEFS Monthly
(9) CHIRPS-Monthly



Prints model run parameters and writes them as JSON to file.


  • --model : name of the model
  • --config : name of configuation file; defaults to .config


$ python dojocli/cli.py printparams --model=CHIRPS-Monthly

This will print the parameters necessary to run the model CHIRPS-Monthly:

Model run parameters for CHIRPS-Monthly
#  month  : 01
#  year  : 2021
#  bounding_box : [[33.512234, 2.719907], [49.98171,16.501768]]

Additionally, printparams will write params_template.json with example model parameters:

{" month  ": "01", " year  ": "2021", " bounding_box ": "[[33.512234, 2.719907], [49.98171,16.501768]]"}



Runs the selected model used the specified model parameters.


  • --model : name of the model
  • --config : name of configuation file; defaults to .config
  • --params : model parameters in JSON format
  • --paramsfile : name of file of model parameters in JSON format; defaults to params_template.json.
  • --outputdir : folder specified for model output files; defaults to /runs/{model}/{datetime} e.g. /dojo-cli/runs/CHIRTSmax-Monthly/20210403110420.

To run a model, the parameter values should either be assigned via the --params option , or a json file specified via the --paramsfile option. If neither parameter option is set, the --paramsfile filename params_template.json will be used.


(1) Run the CHIRPS-Monthly model using the default configuration settings in .config and model parameters in params_template.json:

  • python dojocli/cli.py runmodel --model=CHIRPS-Monthly

(2) Run the CHIRPS-Monthly model using the default configuration settings in .config and model parameters in chirps-monthly.json:

  • python dojocli/cli.py runmodel --model=CHIRPS-Monthly --paramsfile=chirps-monthly.json

(3) Run the CHIRPS-Monthly model using the default configuration settings in .config and specified model parameters:

  • python dojocli/cli.py runmodel --model=CHIRPS-Monthly --params='{"month": "09", "year": "2016", "bounding_box": "[[33.512234, 2.719907], [49.98171,16.501768]]"}'