
Website for Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Nu Chapter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


If you're getting image not found:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.3/lib

Coding Conventions:

  • Use "_" for filenames
  • User "-" for class names
  • Use Font Awesome for icons
  • Don't use JS if it's doable using CSS3
  • Use good markup: Make things extensible, use classes and IDs efficiently, use the right semantics

Setup (for devs)

Installation (For Mac -- skip if windows)

  1. Install Homebrew ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Have Python 3 installed (brew install python3)
  3. Have pip3 installed (Should come with step 2)
  4. Install virtualenv by doing pip3 install virtualenv

Terminal stuff

  1. Clone this git repo
  2. In the git repo, create a virtual env virtualenv --python=/path/to/python3 venv You probably can get away with virtualenv venv, but if you see python2.7 somewhere in the command log. Use stackoverflow to find where your python3 is installed.
  • --python lets you choose which Python installation to use. If you have something like Anaconda-Python, perhaps you want to use the Homebrew Python3 instead
  1. Start the virtual env: source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install postgres (Google postgres.app)
  3. Remember to add postgres to path in ~/.bash_profile: PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.4/bin:$PATH". Then, add export PATH AND RESTART TERMINAL
  • Note: You have to match the installed Postgres version, not the path here
  1. Install requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setting up Postgres

  1. Open the Postgres app to start the Postgres server
  2. Inside the postgres server shell use psql to enter shell, run CREATE DATABASE upe_db;. Don't forget the semicolon.
  3. Also run CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'littlewhale';.
  4. Type \q to quit the postgres server shell.

Final Stretch: Getting Django to run

  1. Now you are ready to do python3 manage.py syncdb
  2. If successful, Django should ask you to install superusers. Say yes, and use a one-character username/password for ease.
  3. Now you can run python3 manage.py runserver. This will be your go-to command when you develop.
  4. Visit localhost:8000 in your server. You should now see the UPE website locally!
  5. Wrapping up: you can do Ctrl-C to stop the server, and then run deactivate in the terminal to stop the virtualenv.

To change your local django admin username/password

  1. To change the password: follow the instructions here
  2. To change the username: python3 manage.py runserver, then go to localhost:8000/admin>Users and modify the user.

Server Deployment Checklist

  1. Make sure models are good to go: python3 manage.py migrate. (makemigrations should be done locally and then committed to Git)
  2. If any static files are changed, update them on the server: python3 manage.py collectstatic
  3. If any Python files are changed, restart the server: sudo initctl restart uwsgi

Mailing List Documentation

To make sure that the update script (update.sh) runs, the owner of all the postfix-related files must be postfix.

  • e.g. if edits to virtual changes the owner, do chmod postfix virtual.