TradingPatternsAndStratergy Overview This repository contains scripts for recognizing and analyzing various trading patterns and strategies. It includes both Pine Script and Python scripts designed to assist traders in identifying key patterns in financial markets.

Contents pine_scripts/: Contains Pine Script files for TradingView, including scripts for recognizing Bullish Engulfing patterns and other trading signals. python_scripts/: Contains Python scripts for automating trading strategies and analyzing market data. Pine Scripts Bullish Engulfing Pattern: Recognizes and highlights Bullish Engulfing patterns on TradingView charts. Bearish Engulfing Pattern: Recognizes and highlights Bearish Engulfing patterns on TradingView charts. Python Scripts BTC Price Checker: Monitors the BTC/USD price and triggers an alarm when a specified price is hit. How to Use Pine Scripts:

Copy the script from the pine_scripts directory. Open TradingView and create a new indicator script. Paste the script and save it. Add the indicator to your chart. Python Scripts:

Ensure you have the required libraries installed (requests, time, winsound). Run the script in your preferred Python environment. Contributions Feel free to contribute to this repository by submitting pull requests or reporting issues.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.

This README provides an overview of the repository, its contents, instructions for use, and contribution guidelines.