Project Title and Description: 🔄📸 Scooby Image Rotation using numpy

Project video link: Watch Video

Code link: ViewCode


An interactive Python project to rotate images using numpy and PIL libraries.

  • An interactive Python project to rotate images using numpy and PIL libraries.
  1. 🚀 Quickstart guide on how to use the project. Example code snippets demonstrating image rotation functionality.

  2. 🔄 Rotate images by specified angles. 📏 Customizable rotation parameters. 🖼️ Support for various image formats.

  3. 🎬 GIF animation demonstrating the image rotation process. Link to a sample GIF or embedded GIF within the README.

4.🖼️ Leveraging Python and NumPy, I created a 3D array to represent the pixels of the image 🔄 Implemented advanced indexing and manipulation techniques to perform stunning 90-degree rotations.