Hackerhire is an attempt to make technical interviews as comfortable as face to face interviews.
- Accounts for companies
- Easy creation of chat rooms
- WebRTC based real time audio-video chat
- WebRTC based real time text chat
- Code editor with auto complete and syntax highlighting
- Real time compiling and running of code with test cases
- Virtual whiteboard, for ease of drawing something
- Email based invite to the interviewee
- Email based authentication for new accounts and forgot password
- Run MySQL daemon on host machine
- Download or clone the source code
- Use the schema private/database/hackerhire.sql to create database and tables for the project
- Setup Node.js development environment
- Run `node app.js
- Javascipt code cleanup
- UI/UX improvements (e.g. add support to modify questions and add multiple questions)
- Deploy it (We are looking support to deploy it)`
Hackerhire is currently in developement(though we are not working on it right now), still pull requests are welcome