
Rule engine with ats

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rule Engine with AST

This is a Rule Engine with AST. It is an implementation of Rule Engine with AST in Javascript. It is a rule engine that uses AST to evaluate JSON data against a given rule string or multiple rule strings that are combined into a single AST and then evaluates the JSON data against the AST. It can be used to perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a new AST from a given rule string
  2. Combine multiple rule strings into a single AST
  3. Evaluate a JSON data against the AST

Data Structure and Database schema

Data Structure

I used a node with left and right pointer to create a tree like structure for easy evaluation.

It is basically of two types:

  1. Operator:
  "type": "operator",
  "left": Node,
  "right": Node,
  "value": string ("AND" or "OR")
  1. Operand(leaf node):
  "type": "operand",
  "left": null,
  "right": null,
  "value": string (e.g. "Salary>50000")

Database schema


  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "ruleString": string(e.g. "(age > 30 AND department = 'Marketing')"),
  "ast": Node,
  "createdAt": date,
  "updatedAt": date,


Some features of the RuleEngine:

  1. Parsed the rule string in Linear Time
  2. Easy to add more operators or add priority to operators in future
  3. Implemented error handling in Rule string parsing like invalid syntax and invalid type comparison.
  4. Used promise in rule evaluation for parallel processing to fasten the process


  1. Run git clone in terminal

     git clone https://github.com/jatinxkirito/RuleEngine_ATS.git
  2. In zeotap_backend folder

    • Create config.env file with following content
       DATABASE_LINK="Your MongoDB database link"
    • Run following in terminal
        npm install
        npm start
  3. In zeotap__frontend folder

    • Run following in terminal
        npm install
        npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:5173 in you browser

  5. To run tests, go to zeotap_backend folder and run following command in terminal

     npx mocha --file test/testSetup.js test/**/*.test.js