- 1
Depending parameters
#106 opened by beseder42 - 1
Network Requests
#103 opened by getaaron - 2
SPM installation
#102 opened by jtouzy - 2
Support for positional arguments
#101 opened by pvieito - 1
Support subclass `Option`
#99 opened by nslogmeng - 1
Add badges
#95 opened by TofPlay - 3
Is there a way to set default values?
#94 opened by dhmspector - 2
- 1
Installation section
#75 opened by lfarah - 2
Non-option parameters
#62 opened by Coder-256 - 4
Provide a Default Help Option
#58 opened by emorydunn - 6
- 2
Wrap long lines in generated usage message
#1 opened by jatoben - 4
This project will be archived soon
#111 opened by jatoben - 10
Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
#5 opened by OKNoah - 2
- 0
Swift 3 CommandLine class
#77 opened by IngmarStein - 1
- 5
Can't use with swiftpm at tag v2.2.0
#89 opened by glessard - 3
Conversion from String to Double
#87 opened by barrypress - 1
- 1
Process.arguments causes crash in tests
#68 opened by glessard - 2
XCode 7.3 + Swift 2.2 support
#63 opened by Jeehut - 4
No Package.swift file found
#59 opened by n4ss - 6
String Option with default value
#31 opened by dehlen - 4
Stray values support?
#23 opened by brunophilipe - 1
- 3
Usage for build phase
#36 opened by JiriTrecak - 2
- 4
BoolOption.isSet true by default
#24 opened by beltex - 2
shortFlag XOR longFlag possibility
#22 opened by beltex - 3
Either / or
#21 opened by niklassaers - 3
Carthage & Cocoapods support?
#15 opened by daniel-beard - 3
Dual-license for use with GPLv2.0 projects
#8 opened by beltex - 2
- 2
Tag required for Carthage
#7 opened by lancep