
Shodan based Host scanner

Primary LanguagePython

The shodanner is host scanner based on the shodan API.

Usage: shodanner.py [-h] [-s SERVER] [-b BANNER] [-v VULNS] [-a ALL]

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

-s SERVER, --server SERVER
                    Fetch Server Information

-b BANNER, --banner BANNER
                    Fetch metadata Information

-v VULNS, --vulns VULNS
                    Fetch Vulnerabilities on the host

-a ALL, --all ALL     Fecth all the Information


#python3 shodanner.py -a <IP>
#python3 shodanner.py -v

Note : Make sure that your Shodan API Key has been added to the code under configuration.

API_KEY = "<Your Shodan Key here>"