
:package: Add annotation support for Tails.js applications

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📦 Add Route, Policy and custom annotations support for Tails.js applications


With yo :

npm install -g yo generator-trails
yo trails:trailpack trailpack-annotations

With npm (you will have to create config file manually) :

npm install --save trailpack-annotations


First you need to add this trailpack to your main configuration :

// config/main.js

module.exports = {

   packs: [

Then :

// config/annotations.js
module.exports = {
  policy: true,//enable policy annotations
  route: true,//enable route annotations
  pathToScan: './api/controllers',//or ./api for hmvc
  customAnnotations: null, //Add your custom annotations here, require('./annotations') for example




A route added with annotation will replace any previous route set under config/routes.js (for a same path).

module.exports = class DefaultController extends Controller {

   * Return some info about this application
   * @Route("GET /default/info") or @Route({method: ["GET"], path: "/default/info"})
  info (request, reply) {

You can also use @METHOD for defining new routes.

module.exports = class DefaultController extends Controller {

   * Return some info about this application
   * @GET('/default/info')
   * @HEAD('/default/info')
   * @OPTIONS('/default/info')
   * @POST('/default/info')
   * @PUT('/default/info')
   * @PATCH('/default/info')
   * @DELETE('/default/info')
  info (request, reply) {

A more complex sample with validation.

module.exports = class DefaultController extends Controller {

   * Return some info about this application
   * @GET(path:{'/default/info'}, config: { validate: {
   * query: { infos: Joi.sring().required() }
   * }})
  info (request, reply) {

See hapijs tutorial on validation and joi schema validation for more complex with validate object.


A policy added with annotation will be added to policies set under config/policies.js.

module.exports = class DefaultController extends Controller {

   * Return some info about this application
   * @Policy("Default.auth") or @Policy(["Default.auth", "Default.acl"])
  info (request, reply) {


Create your own annotation like this :

'use strict'
const Annotation = require('ecmas-annotations').Annotation

module.exports = class MyCustomAnnotation extends Annotation{

     * The possible targets
     * (Annotation.CONSTRUCTOR, Annotation.PROPERTY, Annotation.METHOD)
     * @type {Array}
    static get targets() {
      return [Annotation.METHOD]

     * The function to call when annotations are find
     * @type {Function}
    handler(app, annotation) {
      //Do whatever you want when annotation is found

     * File path
     * @type {String}
     * @required
    static get path() {
      return __filename


Now I can add @MyCustomAnnotation("It's works") on methods.



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