
Contains the scripts and test files for the manuscript "Detecting complex infections in Trypanosomatids using in whole genome sequencing reads""

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Contains the scripts and test files for the manuscript "Detecting complex infections in Trypanosomatids using in whole genome sequencing reads"

The script CI_Estimation_server.v.8.R receives a VCF file that contains the read depth information for each allele in a sample, estimates the "Complexity Index" (CI) and classify the isolate in complex (multiclonal or poliploid) or not.

Examples of SNP callers that can generate VCF in the correct format are GATK, freebayes and octopus.

We Strongly suggest that the VCF be filtered to maintain only biallelic SNP sites, removing insertions/deletions.
We also suggest that the VCF should be filtered to remove repetitive regions.

Required R libraries:

  • ggplot2
  • reshape2
  • viridis
  • dplyr
  • tidyr
  • vcfR
  • ggrepel

These can be installed in R with:

$  install.packages('<package_name')
as in
$  install.packages('vcfR')

How to run the script:

The script receives a VCF file and do all the analysis and plots.

Running for one sample:

$  Rscript CI_Estimation_server.v8.R <sample_Id> <vcf.file>
$  Rscript CI_Estimation_server.v8.R ERR205724 ERR205724.rec2.recode.vcf

Running for "n" samples listes in the sample_names file

$  for i in $(cat sample_names); do Rscript CI_Estimation_server.v8.R ${i} ${i}.<vcf_pattern> ; done
$  for i in $(cat sample_names); do Rscript CI_Estimation_server.v8.R ${i} ${i}.rec2.recode.vcf ; done

Supporting data:
The "sample_names" file is a text file containing the IDs of your samples, one at each line, as in:


The script can estimate the Chromosomal Copy Number Variation (CCNV) and genome coverage directly from the VCF file.
However, we strongly suggest that the CCNV and genome coverage be estimated with other tools. The script automatically detect the files Genome_Cov.Table (has the genome coverage information) and CCNV.Table.ordered (has the CCNV information) in the same folder that the script is run.

The genome coverage file should be a TAB sepparated file file named "Genome_Cov.Table", have no header, and two columns. The first column is the sequence ID and the second the genome coverage, as in:

ERR4678145	54
ERR205724	59
ERR205789	61

The Chromosome copies file has to be named "CCNV.Table.ordered", also TAB separatted file.
The first column correspond to the chromosome number, similar to what was present in the VCF file, and the header must be "Chromosome".
Chromosome names should have only numerals, as in 1, 2, 3, so that the plots always have the chromosomes in order.
The headers from columns 2 to "n" must be the sample IDs, identical to the ones in the "sample_names" file.
The lines correspond to each chromosome copy number
And example of the "CCNV.Table.ordered" file for the isolates ERR205724, ERR205789, ERR3956088 and ERR4678145 from L. donovani, that has 36 chromosomes

Chromosome	ERR205724	ERR205789	ERR3956088	ERR4678145
1	1	0.9576	1.066	1	1.019
2	2	1.051	1.131	0.9091	1.046
3	3	0.9661	0.8033	1.045	1.056
4	4	1.339	1.131	1	1
5	5	0.9661	1.344	1.045	1.037
6	6	1.271	0.8033	1.045	1.037
7	7	0.9831	1.082	1.045	1.019
8	8	1.237	1.131	1	0.9907
9	9	1.051	0.8033	1.045	1.019
10	10	1.271	0.8033	1.045	1.019
11	11	1.271	1.131	1.045	1.037
12	12	0.9831	1.098	1.023	1.037
13	13	0.9831	1.115	1.045	1.019
14	14	0.9831	1.098	1	1
15	15	0.9661	1.115	1	1.009
16	16	0.9831	0.8197	1.045	1.019
17	17	0.9831	0.8197	1.045	1.037
18	18	0.9831	0.8525	1	1.019
19	19	0.9831	0.8033	1	1.019
20	20	0.9746	1.082	1	1
21	21	0.9831	0.8197	1.045	1
22	22	1.051	1.131	1	1.019
23	23	1.068	1.148	1.136	1.019
24	24	1.051	1.082	1.045	1.019
25	25	0.9661	0.8033	1	1
26	26	1.203	0.8197	1	1
27	27	0.9661	0.8197	1	1
28	28	0.9661	0.8197	1	1
29	29	1.322	0.8197	1	1
30	30	0.9661	0.8197	1	1
31	31	1.695	1.41	1.909	1.778
32	32	0.9661	1.082	1	1
33	33	1.271	1.361	1	1
34	34	0.9831	0.8197	1	0.963
35	35	1	1.148	1	0.9815
36	36	0.9661	1.082	0.9545	0.9815

Test data and expected outpus

Example data for 4 VCFs can be obteined in the Test_data folder.
This folder also has:
A example CCNV.Table.ordered CCNV data file;
A example Genome_Cov.Table Genome coverage file;
And a exemple sample_names file with sample IDs;

The output files generated for this four isolates can be seen in the folder Test_outputs

#Output files The three main output files are: 1-Plot representing the Alternate Allele Read Depth (AARD) in the real data (purple) and in the simulated clonal dissomic euploid isolate (cyan):


An example for the multiclonal sample ERR205724: ERR205724.dist

An example for the polyploid sample ERR205789: ERR205789.dist

An example for the euploid clonal ERR4678145: ERR4678145.dist

2-Plot representing the CI and proportion of evaluated chromosomes for the real data (has sample_name) and the simulated data, named as "Control.<sample_name>. The X axis correspond to the CI, where verticall red dotted line correspond to a complexity level of 0.1, which is the cutoff to classify the isolate as complex.
The Y axis correspond to the proportion of evaluated chromosomes that had a CI higher than 01. The cutoff is 50% of the chromosomes, to account for chromosomal instability and mosaic aneuploidy.

If the real data sample has complexity values higher than 0.1, and more than 50% of the evaluated chromosomes also have complexity > 0.1; the dot is


An example for the multiclonal sample ERR205724: ERR205724.final An example for the polyploid sample ERR205789: ERR205789.final An example for the euploid clonal ERR4678145: ERR4678145.final

3-Table (CSV format) with the final results for the sample:



Supporting files

The script also generate several supporting files, such as:

Supporting Figures 1-Boxplot of the CI value for each SNP in each evaluated chromosome:



2-The AARD distribution of each SNP in each chromosome. Each dot correspond to a heterozygous SNP. The Y axis correspond to the AARD value for the SNP, where the red line correspond to 0.5 (expected for a disomic clonal isolate) and the blue lines mark the values of 0.25 and 0.75. The color correspond to the read depth in the SNP position scaled by the genome coverage (cov_norm) .



3-The number of SNPs classifyes as homozygous, heterozygous and "dubious" (less than 5 reads supporting the rarer allele), and the read depth (scaled by the genome coverage) for each of these three classes: ERR205724.chr ERR205724.chr

Supporting Tables The script also generates several tables: 1-Table with the number of SNPs in each class: ERR205724.SNP_counts_table.csv


2-Table with the CI and supportin information for each heterozygous SNP position in the sample: ERR205724.real_data_to_MH.csv


3-Table with the CI and supporting information for each heterozygous SNP position in the simulated clonal euploid sample: ERR205724.imulated_data_to_MH.csv


Combining several samples in a single plot

We also provide a script Combine_complexity_estimates_server.v3.R, that combines the outputs from the "CI_Estimation_server.v8.R" in population-wide plots and summary tables

Required R libraries:

  • ggplot2
  • reshape2
  • RColorBrewer
  • dplyr
  • tidyr
  • tidyverse
  • ggrepel
  • stringr
  • gplots

Running the script:

$  Rscript Combine_complexity_estimates_server.v3.R <sample_names_file> <output_prefix>
$  Rscript Combine_complexity_estimates_server.v3.R sample_names_braziliensis Lourador_Lbraziliensis


sample_names_braziliensis is a file containing all your sample IDs used to run the "CI_Estimation_server.v8.R" script, one in each line, as in sample_names_braziliensis

Lourador_Lbraziliensis is your selection of prefix for all output files

Example data for this script can be obtained in: Test_data_combine_results_script.

Expected outpus for the script using the aforementioned data can be obtained at:Test_outputs_combine_results_script.

This data correspond to results from the Leishmania braziliensis dataset from Louradour et all 2021.

Main expected outputs 1-Complexity assessment of all samples in the dataset: X axis corrspondsto CI and Y axis to the proportion of chromosomes that had CI higher than 0.1


2-AARD distribution plot for all samples Lourador_Lbraziliensis.simulated_data_distribution_complex.png

3-Table with the summary results for all samples and simmulated clonal isolates: Lourador_Lbraziliensis.Table_with_updated_complex.csv