
Weather Guru is an application that allows the user to view the observed (in the past 30 days) or forecasted (in the future) daily weather conditions for a given location using the Dark Sky API.

Primary LanguagePHP

Weather Guru

Weather Guru is an application that allows the user to view the observed (in the past 30 days) or forecasted (in the future) daily weather conditions for a given location using the Dark Sky API.

It is made using PHP 7 and Laravel Framework.


Check it live in here: http://weather-guru.herokuapp.com/


There are 3 views:

  • The home page: where to input the location and choose the unit (metric/imperial) for the results.
  • The forecast page: where the current week forecast is displayed.
  • The historical forecast page: where you can see the past 30 days forecast for that location.

Frameworks used

  • Laravel 5.6
  • jQuery
  • BootStrap

Plugins installed

APIs used

Considerations taken

As suggested in the Dark Sky documentation, I made use of the Laravel Dark Sky API wrapper. This was easy to use to grab the 7 day forecast results.

For obtaining the historical results, I implemented Guzzle to send multiple requests concurrently using promises and asynchronous requests. See: http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/quickstart.html#concurrent-requests

Environment configurations