
This repository holds a battleship game written in PHP Symfony. The BattleshipBundle contains the views, controllers and entity repositories

Primary LanguagePHP


A Symfony project created on March 11, 2016, 2:05 am.


This repository holds a battleship game written in PHP Symfony. It's not finished but the overall logic and entities are there. The BattleshipBundle contains the views, controllers and entity repositories.

The ships

Each ship contains a length:

  • AircraftCarrier (5)
  • Battleship (4)
  • Cruiser (3)
  • Destroyer (2)
  • Submarine (2)

The game

This project is not supposed to have a login, only a 2 users game play using different urls like: /game/player1 and /game/player2. Simple UI with Ajax calls on every move.

The Classes

Here are the entities:

  • The Board: Where all the ships are and the shots happen.
  • The Game: It holds the players, it's boards and it's shots. It also has a flag for whose turn it is. Lastly, it has a winner of type Player.
  • A Player: Stores only a name
  • The Shots (moves) Contains x and y positions, and a reference to the board.
  • A Ship: the base class for all the other ships