A Symfony project created on March 11, 2016, 2:05 am.
This repository holds a battleship game written in PHP Symfony. It's not finished but the overall logic and entities are there. The BattleshipBundle contains the views, controllers and entity repositories.
Each ship contains a length:
- AircraftCarrier (5)
- Battleship (4)
- Cruiser (3)
- Destroyer (2)
- Submarine (2)
This project is not supposed to have a login, only a 2 users game play using different urls like: /game/player1 and /game/player2. Simple UI with Ajax calls on every move.
Here are the entities:
- The Board: Where all the ships are and the shots happen.
- The Game: It holds the players, it's boards and it's shots. It also has a flag for whose turn it is. Lastly, it has a winner of type Player.
- A Player: Stores only a name
- The Shots (moves) Contains x and y positions, and a reference to the board.
- A Ship: the base class for all the other ships