Mirror of Simple DirectMedia Layer http://www.libsdl.cn

Primary LanguageC

#SDL http://www.libsdl.cn: Simple Chinese web site of SDL.

###Why is there this project

I am developing Rose, a cross-platform C++ SDK based on SDL. Because used to GitHub, hope to push patch of SDL into it. But Official SDL is in "Mercurial", and replies that there is no plan to GitHub.

As long as possible, I will push these patch into the source tree of official SDL.

###Relation with Rose

You can take this project as an independent SDL source tree, and use it as the official SDL.

Of course, we recommend using with Rose, which can not only reuse experienced code written by other developer, but also simplify the process of compiling. For example, Studio app provided by Rose can help you automatically generate Android project file.

The following figure indicates the location of this project in the Rose's Work Kit.

At present, Rose mainly for Windows, iOS and Android, so modification on SDL is also focused on them. For IDE, if you use the following tools, it will be very simple, otherwise it is very annoying, and may not be able to compile.

  • Windows:Visual Studio 2015 + Update3 or higher version
  • iOS:Xcode 8.2 or higher version
  • Android:Android Studio 2.2 + NDK-r13b or higher version

###Official SDL based on

This project integrates SDL as well as the derivative library.

  • SDL2: 2.0.5 --20161111
  • SDL2_image: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_mixer: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_net: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_ttf: 2.0.14
  • libogg-1.3.0: On iOS, compile SDL2_mixer requires it.
  • libvorbis-1.3.2: On iOS, compile SDL2_mixer requires it.
  • libvpx: --20161003
  • ffmpeg: --20161213

###Major modification

#####Bluetooth(BLE) Both Android and iOS have achieved all of the following functions, Windows is still in the laboratory version, especially WIN_WriteCharacteristic.

  • SDL_BleScanPeripherals
  • SDL_BleStopScanPeripherals
  • SDL_BleReleasePeripheral
  • SDL_BleConnectPeripheral
  • SDL_BleDisconnectPeripheral
  • SDL_BleGetServices
  • SDL_BleGetCharacteristics
  • SDL_BleReadCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleWriteCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleNotifyCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleUuidEqual

#####File system Windows has achieved all of the following functions. Android and iOS only to achieve part of the function.

  • SDL_IsRootPath
  • SDL_IsDirectory
  • SDL_IsFile
  • SDL_OpenDir
  • SDL_ReadDir
  • SDL_CloseDir
  • SDL_GetStat
  • SDL_MakeDirectory: Create directory
  • SDL_DeleteFiles: Delete directory or file
  • SDL_CopyFiles: Copy directory or file


  • Modify SDL_PauseAudio, in order to make Android, iOS save power when playing sound.
  • Modify the sound playback mechanism on Android, using Service instead of thread, in order to support the app can continue to play the sound in background.

###Module switch

  • SDL_IPHONE_WX: Control whether to compile WeChat module, the module to achieve WeChat login, share. Once turn on, it needs to link the development library provided by WeChat, as well as a number of systems framework, Lib.
  • SDL_IPHONE_QQ: Control whether to compile QQ module, the module to achieve QQ login, share. Once turn on, it needs to link the development library provided by QQ, as well as a number of systems framework, Lib.






当然,我们推荐和Rose配合使用,这不仅可重用它人写的功能,还能简化编译流程。举个例子,Rose提供的Rose Studio可帮你自动生成Android工程文件。



  • Windows:Visual Studio 2015 + Update3或更高版本
  • iOS:Xcode 8.2或更高版本
  • Android:Android Studio 2.2 + NDK-r13b或更高版本



  • SDL2: 2.0.5 --20161111
  • SDL2_image: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_mixer: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_net: 2.0.1
  • SDL2_ttf: 2.0.14
  • libogg-1.3.0: iOS平台,编译SDL2_mixer时需要这个库。
  • libvorbis-1.3.2: iOS平台,编译SDL2_mixer时需要这个库。
  • libvpx: --20161003
  • ffmpeg: --20161213


#####蓝牙(BLE) iOS、Android已实现了以下所有函数,Windows尚处在实验室版本,尤其WIN_WriteCharacteristic。

  • SDL_BleScanPeripherals
  • SDL_BleStopScanPeripherals
  • SDL_BleReleasePeripheral
  • SDL_BleConnectPeripheral
  • SDL_BleDisconnectPeripheral
  • SDL_BleGetServices
  • SDL_BleGetCharacteristics
  • SDL_BleReadCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleWriteCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleNotifyCharacteristic
  • SDL_BleUuidEqual

#####文件系统 Windows已实现了以下所有函数,iOS、Android只实现了部分功能,具体参考代码。

  • SDL_IsRootPath
  • SDL_IsDirectory
  • SDL_IsFile
  • SDL_OpenDir
  • SDL_ReadDir
  • SDL_CloseDir
  • SDL_GetStat
  • SDL_MakeDirectory:创建目录。
  • SDL_DeleteFiles:删除文件或目录
  • SDL_CopyFiles:复制文件或目录


  • 修改了SDL_PauseAudio,让iOS、Android在播放声音时更省电。
  • 修改了Android声音播放机制,用Service代替线程,以支持app在后台时能继续播放声音。


  • SDL_IPHONE_WX:控制是否要编译微信模块,该模块实现微信登录、分享。一旦打开,它需要链接微信提供的开发库,以及数个系统framework、lib。
  • SDL_IPHONE_QQ:控制是否要编译QQ模块,该模块实现QQ登录、分享。一旦打开,它需要链接QQ提供的开发库,以及数个系统framework、lib。