Complete release 2.9.5
pietrygamat opened this issue · 6 comments
I have prepared the relase according to
Before releasing to maven central, let's do some additional testing
Github pre-release with "fat" jar:
Maven staging repo (add this to pom to test with newest version with maven):
Tasks to do
- Update Release notes
- Release from sonatype staging nexus to maven central
@tresf please find some time to review the draft release, and if you are satisfied, promote it to full release on Github. I'll then push follow up with maven central.
@pietrygamat I'd be happy to real-world test the 2.9.5 version but I don't currently have a project using JSSC with Maven to test with. Are you OK if I simply test the fat jars?
@tresf of course. I do have maven projects for Windows and Linux so I am pretty confident about this part. It's the native libs vs OS architectures that kill my self esteem every time :D.
Ok, I'll have Intel testing on real hardware done soon per another project qzind/tray#1165 and report my findings.
@tresf please find some time to review the draft release
In regards to the release description, the only feedback that I have is that it's slightly redundant to mention both a bug report and a pull request for a bulleted item, however, I will list several bug reports on a line to illustrate popularity for fixes or features that were requested multiple times or span a wider range of issues.
The rest looks great, thank you.
Minor clarification in javadoc: #73 #119
^--- I would probably just list the bug report in this instance.
Ok, I'll have Intel testing on real hardware done soon per another project qzind/tray#1165 and report my findings.
Testing passed.