Java library for talking to serial ports (with added build support for maven, cmake, MSVC)
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Is there InputStream interface available?
#183 opened by tobiascapin - 17
SerialPort.closePort not calling native interface on Windows when USB serial adapter is disconnected
#107 opened by pietrygamat - 17
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Exception about removeEventListener
#123 opened by HughWick - 2
Missing Characters on USB port
#124 opened by danishmhmd - 8
How to skip native library extraction?
#165 opened by tobiascapin - 5
App crashes after card is read on MAC (after update from 2.6.0 to 2.9.6)
#174 opened by lukasondrak96 - 2
support 921600 baudrate
#176 opened by alonarbel - 5
Can't read serial port on Windows 10
#173 opened by AlexanderSveshnikov - 3
Issue with serialPort.isOpened() on Windows 11 (not tried in other OS)
#166 opened by Giovanni-Fantin - 8
How to set inter-character gap
#172 opened by devaskim - 11
Cannot list COM Ports
#170 opened by nsiatras - 1
Website is not accessible any more
#168 opened by FirokOtaku - 1
Infinite-loop in readBytes when pulling plug
#94 opened by hiddenalpha - 3
Result -1 of Select() when reading from disconnected (USB) serial-port causes infinite loop
#126 opened by factoritbv - 1
Error at begin on Windows 10
#167 opened by aayes89 - 6
Exception when opening port
#164 opened by athach - 3
Version 2.9.6 pending maven central publication
#162 opened by pietrygamat - 2
Method writeBytes conceals error details
#96 opened by hiddenalpha - 0
RISC-V support
#143 opened by tresf - 0
Show method names in unit tests
#156 opened by tresf - 5
i got error in Raspberry pi . Arm64 environment
#157 opened by dhirajthaokar - 1
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Chat has moved to Discord
#147 opened by tresf - 2
Github actions - Solaris question
#148 opened by pietrygamat - 0
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Complete release 2.9.5
#142 opened by pietrygamat - 12
fatal error on Raspberry Pi
#139 opened by ulde1 - 1
Not working on SUSU OS Linux
#130 opened by jsuresh530 - 1
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On Mac OS, the app crash when closing the port.
#122 opened by yo3ggx - 4
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Infinite-loop in readBytes when another thread calls close just in the right moment
#95 opened by hiddenalpha - 3
On a Mac not all USBserial devices are listed
#121 opened by yo3ggx - 0
Open port without switching DTR line to low
#120 opened by christiankarsch - 3
SerialPort cannot enter listening
#116 opened by HughWick - 3
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Slowness sending characters
#117 opened by ianrenton - 4
SerialPort.closePort windows blue screen of death
#114 opened by HughWick - 15
writeByte never ends in version 2.9.3
#113 opened by haba-beton - 4
Windows ARM64 Support
#75 opened by tresf - 7
Release jar 2.9.3 not compatible with jre6
#110 opened by pietrygamat - 1
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Make this library a Java module
#79 opened by muety - 4
Won't work on Turkish Windows
#80 opened by tresf - 1
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Add Kotlin examples
#85 opened by Omnieboer - 8
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