
Overview of the analysis:


Bobby is an HR analyst at Pewlett Hackard who performs employee research. Pewlett Hackard wants to prepare and look ahead at the thousands of job vacancies due to upcoming retirements. Bobby uses SQL to write queries and build an employee database to determine the following:

1.) Who will be retiring in the next few years by title, and how many positions will Pewlett Hackard need to fill?

2.) Which employees are eligible for the mentorship program?



  • There are 72,458 employees that are eligible to retire.

  • Senior Engineer and Senior Staff make up 50,845 which is approx. 70% of total retiring employees


  • There are 1,549 eligibile employees for the mentorship program.

  • Senior Staff and Engineer make up 50% of the mentors in the program


1.) How many roles will need to be filled as the "silver tsunami" begins to make an impact?

Shown below is a table of the total employees of 240,124 at Pewlett Hackard based on an additional query ran, there are 72,458 potential employees that are eligibile to retirement which is about 30% of the entire workforce. There will be potentially 72,458 new job that will need to be filled.

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Are there enough qualified, retirement-ready employees in the departments to mentor the next generation of Pewlett Hackard employees?

There are 1,549 mentors to to mentor the next generation of Pewlett Hackard employees being hired then that is based on new jobs that will be created soon. See table below for the titles of the eligible mentors based on an additional query run. Based on the first table below there will not be any mentors in the manager title to mentor the 2 new potential hires. The date ranges for this query should be expanded to include employees born in 1963 and 1964 so that there are more eligible employees to mentor espicially in the Senior Engineer and Senior Staff titles where the ratios of mentor to mentee is 1:90 and 1:59.

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