
Javaci Banking System Project

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Javaci Banking System

Git: https://github.com/javaci-net/javaci-bank

Project: https://github.com/orgs/javaci-net/projects/2

You can access live site from following urls :

Local Url
Domain Url
Heroku Url


Uses embdedded H2 db by default (jdbc:h2:mem:testdb) Access /h2-console/ for admin console

Development Environment

We use h2 data file mode in development environment.

Local Url

Production Environment

Production uses Heroku Postgre Add-On: Execute following command:

heroku pg:psql postgresql-cylindrical-79376 --app javaci-bank-api


You can access Swagger documentation from following urls :

Local Url
Domain Url
Heroku Url

Project Configuration

Project Install, Run, Test information

Running The Application

You can use following command line to run the program.

java -jar javaci-bank-api/target/javaci-bank-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Building The Application

Run Maven Goal Install

Or Run Maven Wrapper given inside the project. For more information about Maven Wrapper check: https://github.com/takari/maven-wrapper

./mvnw clean install

Testing The Application

Unit Tests

Code contains unit test that can be executed using maven test goal.

./mvnw test

Integration Tests

./mvnw install

Heroku Configuration

javaci.net™ 2020

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Patrick from Spongebob