Meta_digigreen.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook for the Digital Green Crop Yield Estimate Challenge competition
Second data science competition: 63rd place out of 617 (After some ranking bug, 167th place out of 617) (After fixing the ranking bug, 81st place out of 612)
This was a real mickey mouse sort of competition, with bugs in the ranking code. Doesn't inspire confidence in the Zindi platform.
This is actually the second version of the code. The code that received 81st place was far simpler than this, and had manual feature engineering.
Unfortunately I and many others were duped by the competition's public leaderboard scores. Terrible public leaderboard scores (400+) often resulted in great private leaderboard scores (<150).
So this later version scored worse than the earlier version, but because it uses featuretools for some automatic feature engineering, I prefer this version.