
LED alerter when message received in Telegram group (with RaspberyPi/Pine64)

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram LED Alerter

LED alerter when there are message received in Telegram group.

The main usage of this alerter is for very important messages, when you work in team for example and if you want to alert other members remotely. To stop the alert, you need to press the button for some seconds or move the switch in the closed state.

Works with RaspberyPi and Pine64 with RPi.GPIO Python libraries in BCM mode.


  • Hardware requirements:

    • A RaspberryPi or a Pine64
    • Wires
    • Many LEDs (not RGB) or LED strip (Tutorial for LED RGB strip)
    • Resistors for LED (from 270Ω to 470Ω, search on the net)
    • A button or switch
  • Install requirements:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-pip python3-dev git
    pip3 install telepot

If the last command fail, you need to compille yourself Pythton 3.5 who is needed for asyncio module.

Python 3.5 is available on Debian testing and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. To check the Python version installed on system, type python3 --version

  • Build Python 3.5:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl libreadline-dev
    cd ~
    wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.2/Python-3.5.2.tgz
    tar zxf Python-3.5.2.tgz
    cd Python-3.5.2
    sudo make install
    pip3.5 install telepot
  • Install RPi.GPIO for RaspberryPi:

    pip3 install RPi.GPIO
  • Or install RPi.GPIO for Pine64:

    git clone https://github.com/swkim01/RPi.GPIO-PineA64.git
    cd RPi.GPIO-PineA64
    sudo python setup.py install
  • Create your Telegram bot

How to use

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Nathanael-Mtd/telegram-led-alerter.git
cd telegram-led-alerter
python3 telegramLEDAlert.py -h

Script Arguments

                      List of GPIO pins used by LEDs, values sparated by commas.
                      GPIO pin number of button.
-s SPEED, --speed SPEED
                      Blink speed in seconds. (e.g.: 0.5 for 500ms)
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                      Telegram bot token
-g GROUPID, --groupid GROUPID
                      Telegram group ID
-u USERID, --userid USERID
                      Telegram ID of user sending messages 
                      Optional. If you don't enter userid, alerts going to start 
                      whatever the user who will send a message in the group


  • Simple LEDs version:

    python3 telegramLEDAlert.py -l 17,22,5,12,24,18 -b 26 -s 0.5 -t 2xxxxxxxx:AAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -g -123456789 -u 12345678
  • LED strip version:

    python3 telegramLEDstripAlert.py -l 17,22,24 -b 26 -s 0.5 -t 2xxxxxxxx:AAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -g -123456789 -u 12345678