
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JBInput React

this component is React.js wrapper for jb-input web component.

text input react component with these benefits:

  • easy to add custom regex or function validation.

  • multiple validation with different message.

  • support both RTL and LTR.

  • add label and message in UX friendly format.

  • customizable ui with css variable so you can have multiple style in different scope of your app.

  • custom display for password and number input.

  • support typescript

##demo image:


using npm

npm i jb-input-react

in your jsx file

import {JBInput} from 'jb-input-react';
<JBInput class="" label="label:" message="hint message under textbox"></JBInput>


    //when default property are defined best time for impl your config
    <JBInput onInit={(event) => {}}></JBInput>

    //when dom bound and rendered in browser dom 3 and you can access all property
    <JBInput onLoad={(event) => {}}></JBInput>

    //keyboard event
    <JBInput onKeyDown={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    <JBInput onKeyUp={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    <JBInput onKeyPress={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    <JBInput onChange={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    // when user press enter on type good for situation you want so submit form or call search function on user press enter. 
    <JBInput onEnter={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    //focus event
    <JBInput onFocus={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    <JBInput onBlur={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    //input Event
    <JBInput onInput={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>
    <JBInput onBeforeInput={(event) => console.log(event.target.value)}></JBInput>

set validation

you can set validation to your input by creating a validationList array and passing in to validationList props:

    const validationList = [
            validator: /.{3}/g,
            message: 'عنوان حداقل باید سه کارکتر طول داشته باشد'
        #you can use function as a validator too
            validator: (inputtedText)=>{return inputtedText == "سلام"},
            message: 'شما تنها میتوانید عبارت سلام را وارد کنید'
    <JBInput validationList={validationList}></JBInput>

check validation

you can check if an input value meet your validation standad by creating a ref of the element using React.createRef().

    const elementRef = React.createRef();
    const isValid = elementRef.current.triggerInputValidation(true).isAllValid;

if isValid is true the value of input is valid.

number input extra feature

if you set type="number" JBInput will add some feature for you. for example your input will only get number chart and wont accept other string and we add 2 + & - button to the input so user can change number without keyboard by just taping on these buttons. you can also use Up and Down arrow keys too increase or decrease number value in your field. JBInput will also let you control some aspect of user input too for example you can limit decimal precision or change increase/decrease step of + - button. too achive this you must call one function and set value you need to change.

number input events

click on + - button will call onChange event.

  const numberFieldParameter = {
        //how many number you want to + or  - on user press buttons or use arrow keys default is 1
        // how many decimal input accept default is infinity
        // what char replaced to input if user paste some illegal value default is '' (empty string)
        // separate every 3 number with comma like 1000000 => 1,000,000
        // which char we use to separate thousand number
        //can input accept negative number or not
    <JBInput numberFieldParameter={numberFieldParameter}></JBInput>

other props

props name description
disabled disable the input
inputmode set input mode help mobile device to open proper keyboard for your input like url, search and numeric
direction set web-component direction defualt set is rtl but if you need ltr use

set custome style

in some cases in your project you need to change defualt style of web-component for example you need zero margin or different border-radius and etc. if you want to set a custom style to this web-component all you need is to set css variable in parent scope of web-component

css variable name description
--jb-input-margin component margin defualt is 0 12px
--jb-input-border-radius omponent border-radius defualt is 16px
--jb-input-border-color border color of select in normal mode
--jb-input-border-color-focus border color of select in normal mode
--jb-input-bgcolor background color of input
--jb-input-border-bottom-width border bottom thickness desualt is 3px
--jb-input-label-font-size font size of input label defualt is 0.8em
--jb-input-label-color change label color defualt is #1f1735
--jb-input-message-font-size font size of message we show under input
--jb-input-message-error-color change color of error we show under input defualt is red
--jb-input-height height of input defualt is 40px
--jb-input-placeholder-color change placeholder color
--jb-input-placeholder-font-size change placeholder font-size
--jb-input-value-font-size input value font-size
--jb-input-value-color input value color
--jb-input-input-padding set input inner padding default is 2px 12px 0 12px
--jb-input-input-text-align set input element text align for example if you have number Input and want to make it left
--jb-input-box-shadow set box shadow of input
--jb-input-box-shadow-focus set box shadow of input on focus

number input special style

css variable name description
--jb-input-increase-button-color + button fill color
--jb-input-increase-button-color-hover + button fill color on hover
--jb-input-decrease-button-color - button fill color
--jb-input-decrease-button-color-hover - button fill color on hover
--jb-input-number-button-width number input width
--jb-input-number-button-height number input height
--jb-input-decrease-button-border decrease button borderm
--jb-input-increase-button-border increase button border
--jb-input-increase-button-border-radius increase button border-radius
--jb-input-decrease-button-border-radius decrease button border-radius
--jb-input-increase-button-bg increase button background color
--jb-input-decrease-button-bg decrease button background color

add custom element in input box

in JBInput you can put icon or any other custom html DOM in input box. to doing so you just have to place custom DOM in JBInput tag and add slot="start-section" or slot="end-section" to place it before or after input field.

    <div slot="end-section">after</div>
    <div slot="start-section">before</div>