
Sample application demonstrating testing a microservice in different layers according to test pyramid. CDC tests are used for testing interaction between ui application and rest service.

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Banking


accounts is a sample microservice application by spring boot, publishes accounts list and transfer endpoints accounts includes sample tests for different layers of an instance microservice.

  • Sociable Unit testing for Entities(They are not anemic)
  • Solitary Unit testing for Services
  • Integration test for Repositories
  • Component test for overall rest service test.
  • CDC test for API testing on the provider side.


cheques is a java sample client application for accounts service and includes a sample consumer test (CDC by Pact).

  • CDC test for integration testing(transfer service), consumer side.
  • workflow test(not finished)


bank-ui is a simple angular frontend application that consumes accounts backend service and includes unit and consumer tests (CDC by Pact).

  • Unit testing for Angular components(Jest).
  • CDC test for integration testing with backend(consumer side) by Pact.
  • E2E testing by Cypress(not finished)


pacts is a folder for sharing contracts between consumers(bank-ui,cheques) and provider(accounts) in CDC tests.

Test Tools

  • JUnit(jupiter)
  • Spring Framework Testing
  • Mokito
  • Hamcrest
  • RestAssured
  • Pact
  • Jest
  • Angular Testing

How to run tests for accounts

mvn clean package 

This command runs all tests including CDC tests. Or by running as JUnit test in IDE

How to run tests for bank-ui

npx jest -i

This command runs all tests including CDC tests.-i option execute pact test serially.

npx jest -t account
npx jest -i -t pact
npx jest -i .pact.spec.ts
npx jest .component.spec.ts

npx jest by a filter

How to run accounts microservice standalone

Inside accounts folder run

mvnw spring-boot:run

It starts accounts microservice. accounts microservice uses an in-memory database. It seeds database by sample data on startup. If accessing an external port has limited in your organization, this command (mvnw spring-boot:run) won't work. In the accounts folder run something like flowing command instead.

java -jar target/product1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to run bank-ui standalone

Inside bank-ui folder in command run

ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json

It starts bank-ui Angular web application. For watching communication logs you can use --verbose option, like this.

ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json --verbose

How to run the whole application by docker compose (accounts,bank-ui)

Inside microservice-test(root) folder in command run

docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

It creates related docker images and starts both bank-ui Angular web application and backend accounts microservice containers. This way bank-ui can call backend microservice by its container name and related Url.


Learn more about how to test