
Inegrating Golang with Bitdefender GravityZone API

Primary LanguageGo

Golang-Bitdefender GravityZone API

gobdgz go-module helps GravityZone API developers who are using Google GoLang, integrate their apps easier.


Here is the integrated features which you can use in this module

  • Accounts: You can read this guide for more information

    • getAccountsList: Get list of all Control Center accounts (example)
    • createAccount: Create a new Control Center account (example)
    • deleteAccount: Delete Control Center accounts using accountId (example)
    • updateAccount: Update Control Center accounts using accountId (example)
    • getNotificationsSettings: Get information about notifications settings for an account (example)
    • configureNotificationsSettings: Configure/Update notifications settings for an account (example)
  • Network

    • getContainers: Returns the network containers.
    • getNetworkInventoryItems: Returns network inventory items.
    • createScanTask: Returns true if the task was successfully created.
    • createReconfigureClientTask: Creates a new Reconfigure Client task.
    • getScanTasksList: Returns the list of scan tasks.
    • getEndpointsList: Returns the list of endpoints.
    • getManagedEndpointDetails: Returns the details about a managed endpoints
    • createCustomGroup: Creates a new group under an existing one or under Computers and Groups.
    • deleteCustomGroup: Deletes a custom group.
    • moveCustomGroup: Moves a custom group under another custom group.
    • moveEndpoints: Moves the specified list of endpoints to a custom group.
    • deleteEndpoint: Deletes a specified endpoint.
    • setEndpointLabel: Sets a label to an endpoint.
    • createScanTaskByMac: Generates scan tasks for managed endpoints identified by MAC address.
    • assignPolicy: This method is used to assign a policy template on the specified endpoints or containers.
  • Policies

    • Import policy from one GravityZone console to another one. (HOW TO GUIDE)

Get the module

Run this command to install gobdgz module on your system

go get github.com/javadmohebbi/gobdgz


If you are interested in reading this document, you might want to integrate Bitdefender GravityZone with your infrastructure. This module have been developing based on Bitdefender GravityZone On-Premises API Guide which is available in this link

Quick Start Guide

  1. Get API Keys
  • An API Key is required to communicate with GravityZone API service. To generate an API key you can read this document
  1. Get gobdgz module

    • Run this command to get the module: go get github.com/javadmohebbi/gobdgz
  2. Use these examples to get more information about how you can use this repo for integration