
LPIC1 learning materials

Primary LanguageGo

  • Understanding Command-Line Basics
  • Editing Text Files
  • Processing Text Using Filters
  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Using Streams, Redirection, and Pipes

Chapter 2: Managing Software and Processes

  • Looking at Package Concepts
  • Using RPM
  • Using Debian Packages
  • Managing Shared Libraries
  • Managing Processes

Chapter 3:

  • Configuring the Firmware and Core Hardware
  • Storage Basics
  • Storage Alternatives
  • Partitioning Tools
  • Understanding Filesystems
  • Mounting Filesystems
  • Managing Filesystems

Chapter 4: Managing Files

  • Using File Management Commands
  • Managing File Ownership
  • Controlling Access to Files
  • Locating Files

Chapter 5: Booting, Initializing, and Virtualizing Linux

  • Understanding the Boot Process
  • Looking at Firmware
  • Looking at Boot Loaders
  • The Initialization Process
  • Using the systemd Initialization Process
  • Using the SysV Initialization Process
  • Stopping the System
  • Notifying the Users
  • Virtualizing Linux

Chapter 6: Configuring the GUI, Localization, and Printing

  • Understanding the GUI
  • Understanding the X11 Architecture
  • Managing the GUI
  • Providing Accessibility
  • Using X11 for Remote Access
  • Using Remote Desktop Software
  • Understanding Localization
  • Setting Your Locale
  • Looking at Time
  • Configuring Printing

Chapter 7: Administering the System

  • Managing Users and Groups
  • Managing Email
  • Using Log and Journal Files
  • Maintaining the System Time

Chapter 8: Configuring Basic Networking

  • Networking Basics
  • Configuring Network Features
  • Basic Network Troubleshooting
  • Advanced Network Troubleshooting

Chapter 9: Writing Scripts

  • Shell Variables
  • The Basics of Shell Scripting
  • Advanced Shell Scripting
  • Writing Script Programs
  • Running Scripts in Background Mode
  • Running Scripts Without a Console
  • Sending Signals
  • Job Control
  • Running Like Clockwork

Chapter 10: Securing Your System

  • Administering Network Security
  • Administering Local Security
  • Exploring Cryptography Concepts
  • Looking at SSH
  • Using GPG