forthebadge made-with-python

Sheypoor Interview Task

Task Description

Consider the following infinite sequence:

  0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 12, 7, 10, 8, 9, ...

The 0th element is 0 and the 1st element is 1. Each of the next elements is equal to the sum of the digits of the previous two elements. I must write a function that takes the number n (between 0 and 1,000,000,000) as input and it returns the nth member of the above sequence.

Testing my script

You can run my script to get the nth sentence of above sequence simply what you see in the shell snippet below:

➜ sheypoor-interview git:(master) ✗ python 
Enter a number between 0 and 1000000000: 10
The value of sentence you're looking for is: 10

Running Unit tests of my script

Also you can run some before-ready unit tests on my script to be sure about script simply what you see in the shell snippet below:

➜ sheypoor-interview git:(master) ✗ python 

Test for a non-integer(float) number as number of sentence in the sequence
Test for a negative number as number of sentence in the sequence
Test for a non-integer(string) input as number of sentence in the sequence
Test for a negative number as number of sentence in the sequence
Test The 2nd sentence of sequence
Test The 6th sentence of sequence
Test The 10th sentence of sequence
Ran 7 tests in 0.000s


Time and Space Complexity of my script

The time complexity of the find_nth_sentence method is equal to O(n), because in this method, a loop of length of n is executed, and for each round of the loop, two addition and division operations are performed, both of which have a complexity of O(1) And actually something similar to the picture below happens:

(Why we said the time complexity ofsum_digits(value) is O(1) While there is a while loop in that method? That's becuase the max for sum of digits with mod of 10 is for example is 9 and 9 which means that the max of time complexity of that method is 2 (O(1))).

The memory complexity of find_nth_sentence function is also O(1), because only a few variables are used to store the input and output values of the function, and no larger data structures (such as lists) are used to store the data.

Running with Docker

To run script with a default number (I've set n = 10 in module), you just need to run below command in working directory of project:

➜ sheypoor-interview git:(master) ✗ docker-compose up


I've just added a new script ( which improved the performance of the with memoization technique and more other changes listed below:

  • Adding an __init__ method to initialize a memoization dictionary.
  • Using the memoization dictionary to store previously computed values and avoid redundant calculations.
  • Changing the find_nth_sentence method to an instance method to allow for the memoization dictionary to be used.
  • Changing the input validation messages to instance variables instead of class variables since they are specific to instances of the class.
  • Removing the try-except block since input validation is now handled by the ValueError exceptions.
  • Using self instead of cls for instance variables and methods. Run this module like below shell snippet:
➜ sheypoor-interview git:(master) ✗ python 
Enter the number of sentence you're looking for (between 0 and 1000000000: 6
The value of sentence you're looking for is: 8