In computer science, a k-dimensional tree is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. In machine learning, we sometimes have to find the nearest neighbor for a given point. This can be efficiently done using k-d trees. k-d trees are a special case of binary space partitioning trees.
function calls itself recursively. It also handles the edge cases (e.g. one child node).
This is done as follows:
- Figure out on which side of the separating hyperplane the query point lies and recursively descends into that part of the tree.
- If the distance of the query point to the best point in that sub-tree is smaller than the distance to the separating hyperplane (
), just return the best point and corresponding distance from that sub-tree. - Otherwise the closest point to the query point can also be the root node or a point in the other sub-tree. Calculate all distances and return the node with the smallest distance to the query point.
`g++ -std=c++17 kdtree.cpp -o kdtree.out`