
Elimination-backoff stack is an unbounded lock-free LIFO linked list, that eliminates concurrent pairs of pushes and pops with exchanges.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Elimination-backoff stack is an unbounded lock-free LIFO linked list, that eliminates concurrent pairs of pushes and pops with exchanges. It uses compare-and-set (CAS) atomic operation to provide concurrent access with obstruction freedom. In order to support even greater concurrency, in case a push/pop fails, it tries to pair it with another pop/push to eliminate the operation through exchange of values.

Course: Concurrent Data Structures, Monsoon 2020
Taught by: Prof. Govindarajulu Regeti

1. Create a new node with given value.
2. Try pushing it to stack.
3a. If successful, return.
3b. Otherwise, try exchanging on elimination array.
4a. If found a matching pop, return.
4b. Otherwise, retry 2.
1. Try popping a node from stack.
2a. If successful, return node's value
2b. Otherwise, try exchanging on elimination array.
3a. If found a matching push, return its value.
3b. Otherwise, retry 1.
1. Get stack top.
2. Set node's next to top.
3. Try push node at top (CAS).
1. Get stack top, and ensure stack not empty.
2. Try pop node at top, and set top to next (CAS).
1. Try exchanging value on a random exchanger.
1. Calculate last wait time.
2. If wait time exceeded, then throw expection.
3. Get slot value and stamp.
4a. If slot is EMPTY (no value):
4b. Try adding 1st value to slot, else retry 2.
4c. Try getting 2nd value from slot, within time limit.
5a. If slot is WAITING (has 1st value):
5b. Try adding 2nd value to slot, else retry 2.
5c. Return 1st value.
6a. If slot is BUSY (has 2nd value):
6b. Retry 2.
Starting 10 threads with sequential stack
4: failed push
2: failed pop
3: failed pop
0: failed pop
5: failed pop
1: failed pop
0: popped 346/1000 values
1: popped 403/1000 values
2: popped 1/1000 values
2: has duplicate value 9881
3: popped 6/1000 values
3: has duplicate value 9654
3: has duplicate value 9652
4: popped 0/1000 values
5: popped 6/1000 values
5: has duplicate value 9359
7: has duplicate value 9247
Was LIFO? false

Starting 10 threads with elimination backoff stack
Was LIFO? true

See EliminationBackoffStack.java for code, Main.java for test, and repl.it for output.
