This Code will enable users to Send Whats App Messages automatically
- Chromedrive for System.
- Silenium Library for Python
- Python 3.7 version
- Chrome Browser
- Minidom library for python
- WhatsApp for Business Account to activate need to scan QR One time
Steps to Install
- Install Python 3.7
- Install Silenium,schedular,lxml libraries using pip
- Create a folder name WhatsApp
- Put in folder
- Create two folders inside Whatsapp folder named as OUTPUT and INPUT.
- Download Chromedriver and put inside WhatsApp folder
- Edit file make path changes as below in file
- filename="C:\Users\kpf-admin\Documents\PyWhatsapp-master\INPUT\"
- destination="C:\Users\kpf-admin\Documents\PyWhatsapp-master\OUTPUT\"
- chromedriver = "C:\Users\kpf-admin\Downloads\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe"
- run file python