
Extensions for Jedis Java library (a client for Redis DB)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Extensions for Jedis Java library

Jedis is a small and simple client library for Redis DB. However, some latest Redis APIs are not implemented (for example, Redis Streams commands).

This small library tries to implement some missing functions. The approach is very simple: every command is implemented as Lua script. BWT it would be obviously better to get native support (at least of stream commands) in Jedis.

How do I use it?

Just use it as a standard maven dependency (from Maven Central repository)


Release notes

v 0.0.2
  • Now SCRIPT FLUSH, etc. does not makes consequent executions fail.
v 0.0.1
  • Implemented batch XADD command.
  • Implemented XDEL command.
  • Implemented XLEN command.
  • Implemented XRANGE command.
  • Implemented XREVRANGE command.


  • Implement the rest of commands.
  • Extend input parameters validation.
  • API refactoring.
  • Implement support of Sentinel and Cluster modes.