Pinned Repositories
A site that displays up to date COVID-19 stats, powered by fastpages.
Aggregating covid-19 data into an easily usable and refreshable format for people analytics professionals
A project seeking it to make it easier for companies to compare the representation of different groups in a company workforce to the local labor force across geography. I am fairly new to this, so let me know if I've set up anything incorrectly!
A python script that leverages both web scraping and meetup's api to create a rich dataset on a particular topic
A collection of Jupyter/IPython notebooks
A script that scrapes all current WeWork coworking space locations and outputs them in a CSV.
javaldro's Repositories
A project seeking it to make it easier for companies to compare the representation of different groups in a company workforce to the local labor force across geography. I am fairly new to this, so let me know if I've set up anything incorrectly!
A script that scrapes all current WeWork coworking space locations and outputs them in a CSV.
A python script that leverages both web scraping and meetup's api to create a rich dataset on a particular topic
Aggregating covid-19 data into an easily usable and refreshable format for people analytics professionals
A collection of Jupyter/IPython notebooks