- 1
- 1
π dice-mod not working for lookup table
#349 opened by xgdgsc - 2
.getRoller is not a function
#357 opened by mvdhoning - 4
- 0
π Auto Roll dice setting issues with "Always Render Dice" and "Log All Rolls to Dice Tray"
#353 opened by deathau - 4
D6 explode with count of results higher than 7
#350 opened by dustyghost - 0
2d table roller ignores first column
#345 opened by gizlup - 2
π Not able to enable on ios
#326 opened by Angelunifox - 1
π Cannot upgrade or reinstall
#338 opened by edcsalter - 5
π regression - table rollers - lookup table
#331 opened by tyrcho - 4
Table roller doesn't query note per roll
#321 opened by Shyclops - 0
π Inline Table Roller cannot read file if file name contains parentheses "()"
#333 opened by Pachtjuilaard - 3
- 0
- 1
𧩠Pass min /max parameters to Lookup Table rollers
#323 opened by Tocath - 1
- 0
- 2
π Inline dice rolls using keep/drop formatting returns sum that includes all dice
#305 opened by morgan-gilbert - 0
- 0
π Individual dice results cannot be seen in the mobile version of the plugin.
#322 opened by SantiagoPaak - 3
π Dice rolls with disadvantage are ignored when a modifier is present
#311 opened by Pachtjuilaard - 1
Bold text
#302 opened by jcesguerram - 1
save results don't seem to work with tag rollers
#271 opened by MathiasJon - 0
- 1
- 2
- 1
π `dice: d20` rolls 100 d20s
#313 opened by Pachtjuilaard - 1
- 0
π Inline rolls don't work on canvas cards
#303 opened by deadlyjackattack - 6
- 0
Dice View not calculating dice rolls.
#298 opened by JorMerr - 2
- 0
- 1
π Dice-Mod folder suggester does not display
#295 opened by sigrunixia - 0
π Enabling Dice Roller and Settings Search on Android Tablet crashes Obsidian
#287 opened by antrix225 - 1
π Custom percent dice results are always 0
#280 opened by rg-wood - 4
Javalent-Support-Thread doesn't seem to exist
#284 opened by chmac - 2
JavaScript section roller returns object not string
#283 opened by chmac - 0
- 1
- 1
π dice-mod not working with section roller
#273 opened by rafaelfcsouza - 0
- 0
π Clicking on table/list roller opens markdown
#281 opened by pbhopeful - 1
𧩠Allow table rolls from side tray formulas
#275 opened by saif-ellafi - 0
𧩠Graphical dice animation too long
#274 opened by saif-ellafi - 0
Graphical dice stutters increased
#272 opened by saif-ellafi - 0
π Table Roller displays value from wrong column if there are empty cells in a table
#270 opened by simonvanbernem - 0
π Inline Fields Parsing Error
#268 opened by NadeoWolf - 3
- 0
Formula styles are hard to read
#256 opened by saif-ellafi