Barry Tarlton's Grocery Store POS kata submission

This was coded using SpringBoot 2.0.3 and on Java 8.

I'm using Maven 3.X for my build/packaging tool.

To run the tests simply run the "mvn test" command.

To actually run the application run "mvn spring-boot:run"

By default it will listen on port 8080.

I've added a PostMan collection if you wish to test it actually running. Postman collection is at root of project. PillarGroceryPOSKata.postman_collection.json

I've also created a Swagger/Open API Spec on SwaggerHub for what I've completed so far.

The OAS/Swagger can be found here

I did not add all the functionality for the Kata, but tried to do enough to demonstrate what I'm capable of.

I did commit almost after every new test or refactor. So, you can see my thought process.

While I believe I have decent code coverage, I didn't try to test all the different scenarios as I normally would if this was going live.

So, please let me know if there's any other functionality you'd like me to add or if you'd like me to add more test scenarios to the code I have written.