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Lean @ SSFT 2024

This repository contains materials used during Leo de Moura and David Thrane Christiansen's presentation at SSFT 2024.

Getting Ready

To prepare for the Lean lectures, please install Lean using the official instructions. This will set up everything you need for the summer school.

If for some reason you can't follow these instructions, please make sure that the way you install Lean ends up with an installation of elan, the Lean toolchain version manager, rather than a specific version of Lean itself (e.g. from nixpkgs). The installation of elan worked if you can type lean +4.7.0 --version in your home directory, and it prints out Lean (version 4.7.0, ...), and typing lean +nightly-2024-05-19 --version prints something like Lean (version 4.9.0-nightly-2024-04-19, ...).

In order to follow along in the final demo, you'll also need CaDiCaL - the code has been tested with version 1.9.5. It is available in many standard software repositories. For the final demo, you may also need to increase your stack space - ulimit -s 65520 seems to reliably work.


In case you want to follow along, the sample code in this repository is organized into branches that represent checkpoints in the interactive development:

  • lec1/start - the initial state of the repository
  • lec1/step1 - the repository after the introductory code (Intro.lean) has been added and the implementation for filter on lists is no longer a stub
  • lec1/step2 - the repository after the implementation from lec1/step1 was verified
  • lec1/step3 - the implementation using packed arrays has been added, but not verified
  • lec1/step4 - the final state
  • lec2/start - the code from the first lecture is complete, and the second lecture is in its starting state (missing some proofs and definitions)
  • lec2/step1 - the expression language has been implemented, with a verified optimization pass
  • lec2/step2 - the statements of Imp have been implemented, with a big-step semantics and a verified optimization pass
  • main and lec2/step3 - the final state of the imperative language

First Lecture: Introduction to Lean

This lecture is an introduction to writing programs, and proving them correct, in Lean. After an introduction to Lean's syntax and the very basics of using its type theory as a logic, we interactively write a program that filters JSON objects, and prove it correct with respect to a number of specifications.

The following files are part of the first lecture:

  • Intro.lean
  • The contents of the tests/ directory
  • Main.lean - the entry point for the JSON filter
  • Filter.lean and the contents of Filter/:
    • Filter/List.lean - a verified implementation of filtering lists
    • Filter/Array.lean - a verified implementation of filtering arrays
    • Filter/Input.lean - utilities for reading JSON (not part of lectures)
    • Filter/Query.lean - a query language (not part of lectures)

Lab Session

Please experiment with the Lean features and the ideas that were presented in the first lecture. We don't expect you to have time to complete all these exercises, so please do the first one and then pick what you're interested in to work on:

  • Define a function that appends two lists. Prove that the length of the output is the sum of the lengths of the input.
  • Implement map for List. What are some properties that it should satisfy? Prove that it does.
  • Define a binary tree datatype with two constructors: one represents the empty tree, and the other represents a labelled branch with a data item and two subtrees.
    • Define a predicate All : (α → Prop) → Tree α → Prop such that All p t is true whenever all data items in t satisfy p
    • Define a predicate Sorted : Tree Nat → Prop such that empty trees are sorted and branches are sorted if their left and right subtrees are sorted, all elements of the left subtree are less than or equal to the data item, and all elements of the right subtree are strictly greater than the data item.
    • Define a function Tree.insert : Nat → Tree Nat → Tree Nat that inserts a natural number into the given tree. If the input tree is sorted, then the output should be.
    • Prove that if a predicate holds for all natural numbers in a tree, and it holds for some new number, then it also holds for the all numbers in the tree with the new number inserted
    • Prove that inserting a number into a sorted tree yields a sorted tree.
    • Write an inductive predicate that holds when a tree contains a given element. It should have signature Tree.Mem (x : α) : Tree α → Prop.
    • Prove that if all data items in a tree satisfy a predicate and some particular item is in the tree (according to Tree.Mem)
    • Write a function that determines whether a given Nat is contained within a sorted tree, with type Nat → Tree Nat → Bool.
    • Prove that if all numbers in a tree t satisfy a predicate, and contains n t = true, then n satisfies the predicate.
    • Prove the correctness of contains: if a tree is sorted, then Tree.Mem n t is logically equivalent to contains n t = true.
  • State and prove some further properties of array filter (see the list filter file if you need inspiration)
  • Implement map for arrays. State and prove some properties about it.

Second Lecture:

This lecture demonstrates how to use Lean for implementing languages and proving things about programs written in them. The programs are written in Imp, a minimal imperative language that features while loops, mutable variables, and conditionals.

The following files are part of the second lecture:

  • Imp.lean - the top-level module that exists to import the others; also contains a final demo.
  • Imp/Expr.lean - definition of an expression datatype and convenient syntax for writing it
  • Imp/Expr/ - expressions and evaluation:
    • Imp/Expr/Eval.lean - Evaluating expressions
    • Imp/Expr/Optimize.lean - Constant-folding optimization of expressions
    • Imp/Expr/Delab.lean - Interactive display of expressions (not part of lectures)
  • Imp/Stmt.lean - definition of a statement datatype and convenient syntax for writing it
    • Imp/Stmt/Basic.lean - The core datastructure and syntax for statements
    • Imp/Stmt/Optimize.lean - Optimization of statements
    • Imp/Stmt/BigStep.lean - Operational semantics and proof that optimization is correct
    • Imp/Stmt/Delab.lean - Interactive display of statements (not part of lectures)

Lab Session

These exercises are intended to be done in the context of the development from the second lecture.

  • Add a bitwise xor operator to Expr. Lean's bitwise xor operator is ^^^.
  • Add a new case to the optimizer for Expr and update the correctness proof accordingly.
  • These exercises don't require modifications to the Stmt datatype:
    • Add a unary if statement (that is, one without an elseclause) to the user-facing syntax for Stmt
    • Add a do...while... statement to the surface syntax that executes the body at least once
  • Add a failure handler expression to Expr. The expression try E1 then E2 should have E1's value, unless the value is undefined, in which case it has E2's value. Update the concrete syntax and the evaluator accordingly.
  • Add a random number generator to Imp:
    • Add a new statement that assigns a pseudorandom value to a given variable, and give it a concrete syntax
    • Define a pseudorandom number generator as a two-field structure with a state and a function from a state to a pair of a fresh state and a value. Implement a generator - there's no need for it to be secure, and a generator that just counts upwards is fine for the purposes of this exercise.
    • Update the big-step semantics to thread a random number generator through program execution. Provide a big-step rule for the rand statement and update the rest of Imp as needed so all the proofs go through.

Tactic Cheatsheet

These are a few of the proof tactics that may be useful for the lab sessions, along with summaries of the arguments and configuration options that we think are most relevant:

  • assumption - if a local hypothesis solves the goal, use it
  • contradiction - search the local context for an "obvious" contradiction, and close the goal if it's found
  • omega - a Presburger arithmetic solver that can take care of many goals involving arithmetic
  • intro x ... - Transforms a goal like A -> ... -> C into C, with A ... made into assumptions named x ...
    • x can be replaced with a pattern when A has exactly one constructor
  • unfold f - replaces f with its definition in the goal
    • unfold f at h - replaces f with its definition in hypothesis h
  • simp - simplify the goal using a collection of rewrite rules. If simp makes the goal simple enough, it will go ahead and solve it.
    • simp [r, ...] - simplify the goal using additional rules r, .... Rule possibilities include definition names, which causes them to be unfolded; proofs of equalities, which causes the left side to be replaced with the right side; and *, which causes local assumptions to be taken into account
    • simp at h - simplify hypothesis h instead of the goal (can be combined with rules list)
    • simp_all - perform as much simplification as possible
  • rw [r1, ...] - apply rewrites to the goal, one after the other. Each rewrite is the name of a theorem or assumption that proves an equality, and the left side is replaced with the right side. Preceding the rule with causes the right side to be replaced with the left. Additional assumptions of the equality theorems are added as new goals. Can also be used with at to rewrite in an assumption.
  • apply l - apply the lemma l to the goal, matching up the lemma's conclusion with the goal and creating new goals for each assumption of the lemma that must be satisfied
    • apply? - search the Lean libraries for lemmas that might be relevant
  • exact l - just like apply, except fails if it introduces new goals
    • exact? - search the Lean libraries for lemmas that close the goal
  • constructor - apply the first type-correct constructor of the goal type
  • T1 <;> T2 - runs T1, then runs T2 in each subgoal that it creates
  • repeat T - runs T repeatedly until it fails
  • repeat' T - runs T repeatedly in each subgoal until it fails
  • try T - runs T, resetting the proof state if T fails
  • . TACS - in a context with multiple goals, focuses on the first. Fails if tactics TACS doesn't result in zero open goals.
  • next => - in a context with multiple goals, focuses on the first. Fails if included tactics don't result in zero open goals.
  • next h ...=> - in a context with multiple goals, focuses on the first, assigning the names h ... to its unnamed assumptions. Fails if included tactics don't result in zero open goals.
  • case c h ... => - in a context with multiple goals, focuses on the one named c. Otherwise like next h ... =>.
  • split - in a goal that contains an if or match, creates one new goal for each possible path of execution.
  • cases e - create a new goal for each constructor of a datatype or inductively defined proposition that is e's type
    • cases e with | c h ... => TACS ... - like cases, but requires an explicit case for each goal c with hypotheses h ...
  • induction x - create a new goal for each constructor of a datatype or inductively defined proposition, assuming the current goal for each recursive occurrence (that is, with indution hypotheses).
    • induction e with | c h ... => TACS ... - like induction, but requires an explicit case for each goal c with hypotheses h ...
    • induction e using i - like induction, but uses the induction principle i instead of the default one
  • have x : t := e - introduce a new local assumption x : t, where e proves t (e often begins with by)
    • x can be omitted; in this case, the assumption is named this
    • : t can be omitted when e's type can be inferred
    • x can be replaced with a pattern when e's type has at most one constructor